From Flora’s diaries
2 November
I think I forgot how to breathe.
Something extraordinary just happened, and I’m so shocked yet happy I’m ready to burst.
My heart beats so fast I’m afraid it might jump out of my chest, because the emotions inside me can’t be contained.
I sat in one of the alcoves, ready to read my book, when he showed up.
His eyes settled on me as he sat next to me on the bench and rested his back against it before asking me, “What are you reading?”
I showed him the book, Iliad by Homer, my favorite story. I’ve reread it thousands of times.
Surprise flickered in his gaze before he winked at me and informed me, “I’ve read it too.”
He sat with me under the moonlight for an hour or more, discussing the different characters, and he told me who his least favorite character was.
I barely listened to him, just kept staring at his face, drinking in his every feature while his rich masculine scent mixed with the flowers, and I leaned closer to him, because I knew it wouldn’t last long.
I wanted to ask him what he was doing there with me but was too afraid to let the words out, because then it might have ended. And if life grants you a miracle, shouldn’t you hold on to it with everything you can?
And then, before I knew what was happening, he palmed my head and tilted it back, his eyes roaming over my face while he focused on my lips, and whispered, “You’re so beautiful, Flora.” I was too stunned to do anything and just blinked in shock when he placed his mouth on mine, his tongue licking the seam of my lips before I opened for him, and I experienced my very first kiss.
It was magical.
Afterward, I was so shy I touched my flaming cheeks and ran away from him, shutting the door to my room, and now I’m writing it all here to never forget.
I even pinch myself every few seconds to make sure I’m not dreaming.
My lips burn from the memory alone, and whenever I rub them with my fingers, the kiss comes to mind and my body tingles all over, buzzing with some need I don’t understand.
I’m not sure what happened just now or where my father was at the time.
The kiss might cost me everything if the staff saw us.
However, one thing is crystal-clear for me.
My love is not unrequited.
Which means all the fear in the world cannot stop the happiness spreading in my heart and giving me hope for a future where Howard is with me.
Taking a deep breath, I come downstairs and see several servers running around wearing black uniforms and holding different trays with small sandwiches and drinks.
The delicious aroma of Italian food floats in the air, tempting all the guests with what’s to come, while laughter and the hum of voices mix with the jazz music that can be heard from the common room, alerting me that the party is already in full swing.
I spot Lenora among the staff, emerging from the kitchen with a bottle of champagne. She’s about to go into the room when she notices me, and whispers, “Briseis, you’re late. Get in here before anyone notices.” She motions toward the door, but I shake my head, leaning on the banister, almost paralyzed with fear at entering the gates of hell. I have no other metaphor for this freaking party and facing all these people.
What if I make a mistake? Blab something I shouldn’t? Shame the family name?
Grandmother will wipe the floor with me and lock me down. I might act all brave with her, but I’m not so stupid to think all is well.
This party for whatever reason is a test, and if I fail, I might kiss my future free life goodbye. She accepted my blackmail, because it spoke to her cruel tendencies. She would have done the same in my position, which means all my bravery serves as amusement to her.