Octavius and Florian drive behind us, and I snap at Remi, “Faster.” He accelerates the car, the wind slapping our faces as the mansion comes into the view, a newly constructed building, sold two weeks ago.
Octavius found the location in fifteen minutes, and as it was an hour drive away from the city, located in the outskirts, we jumped into the car while fury unlike any other shook my entire body.
My woman was stolen from me, and my lion currently lies on a surgical table as they try to save him.
The anger fuels my blood, and I notice a guard hiding behind the bushes. I shoot him in the head, and finally Remi swings the car to the side. As we get out, more bullets are aimed our way.
There are around ten guards, so it shouldn't be hard to kill them.
Octavius parks their vehicle at a right angle to ours, creating an L shape and blocking us from the onslaught of bullets.
Changing the magazines in my guns, I roll my shoulders, ready to get in the line of fire, when Remi’s arm stops me. “Think rationally, Santiago. Don’t go in…. Fuck!” he exclaims when I stand and then swiftly spin to face them, shooting at them as more guards show from the side, ready to guard the door, and that’s how I know Andreas is inside.
The fucking coward always used others in order to protect his ass.
Remi and Florian cover my side while Octavius watches my back as we move as a unit toward the door, more bodies falling until the coast is clear.
Racing up the stairs, I barge inside the house, and instantly the familiar whiskey scent assaults my nostrils, along with the voice erupting in the common room.
“You’ve made it. I should have never doubted you.”
Listening to him again sends shivers through me, bringing back memories, and my body shakes with so much fury I freeze, but I remind myself it’s not about me anymore.
It’s about my woman.
Walking inside, I see him sitting on his fucking throne as he sips his drink, smiling brightly at me.
Pointing my gun at him, I grit through my teeth. “Where is she?” He just takes another sip, and I step closer, shouting this time, “Where is she?”
“Nah ah ah, Santiago. One more step or a bullet aimed at me, and I will kill myself.” He puts the blade in his hand toward his artery, a gleam in his eyes. “And you will never find her.”
My entire system is filled with anger and hate, because once again I’m helpless in front of this man. “Where is she?” I repeat, hoping he hasn't discovered the truth yet.
However, his next words crush my hope. “She’s not pregnant, so she has no value for me. Or at least I thought so.” He slides the blade’s tip over his artery lightly. “She knew you’d come to get your revenge. But I think you love her.” He laughs, and my fist itches to knock his teeth out. “Your bloodline produces strong men able to withstand anything. However, just like Achilles, you have a heel, a weakness.”
Ignoring his words, I ask, “What do you want?” If she is not dead, he’s still using her as bait. He grabs any opportunity to get what he desires.
Is he delusional enough to think he can still get his heir if he blackmails me?
He continues as if he hasn’t heard me. “Your women. That’s one weakness that wipes away all goodness. Do you know your father and I used to be best friends?” Everything inside me goes quiet, only Andreas’s voice remaining. “We met in a cage. Experienced similar shit as you did, only—trust me—worse. We dreamed about getting out and building empires.”
My gut clenches at the thought of my father experiencing such shit, and no matter what he says, I won’t ever believe he participated in dark dealings.
Showing no outward reaction to his statement, I repeat again, “What do you want?” He thinks I care about him going down memory lane, but I don't give a fuck.
What happened to me cannot be changed, but my woman needs my protection right now, so fuck this revenge.
I will kill him, because he hurt her, not because he stole my childhood.
Hate coats his every word. “Only Lucian wanted to use his empire to kill bad guys, and I craved their power. And the minute he got to know what my business entailed, he decided to kill me. Turned his back on me, and for what? So he could happily live with Rebecca? Save all these women and children?” His hollow laughter echoes through the space. “We could have stayed together, building a legacy, joining you and Briseis in holy union that would give us generations of warriors.”
The man has lost his fucking mind. I’ve never heard bigger bullshit in my life.
“But his fucking brave heart would have never accepted hurting anyone innocent. So I took what he and his wife valued and loved the most. You.” He finishes his drink and throws the glass over his shoulder. “He shared his greatest fear once. He never wanted his child to end up like him. A monster with a stolen childhood. So that’s what I made you.” He laughs. “Ah, a truly brilliant plan.”
I can’t let his words get to me, can’t focus on this truth, can’t let it shake me.
Not now, and maybe not ever.