Florian squeezes Octavius harder, his voice turning deadly. “I’ll do anything for you, man, but not this. We will find a way.”

“There is no fucking way! I’m a murderer! Get out!”

Rolling my eyes at this martyr act nobody gives a shit about, I go to him and slap him hard across his face.

“The fuck, Santiago!” Florian roars, but I push him back too, holding Octavius’s gaze that’s finally cleared, and his brown pools comprehend information.

“No one is going to prison because of your irresponsible ass. Our future is on the line. Now snap out of your fucking shock. We need to take care of your mess, and we have no time to console you.” He blinks, and I take a deep breath, reminding myself that these guys have never been exposed to the shit I’ve seen.

At least not in the same amount, because I don’t know what to make of their odd reactions.

Yet it doesn't change the variables in this equation where, in order to survive right now, we have to stick together.

So that’s what we do.

On that day, we had to become friends again, as we were connected by a secret, and everyone watched our moves for a long time.

Slowly, not instantly, we became an unbreakable unit, destroying anything standing in our way.

Because the darkness already tainted them, I no longer had to be afraid of smearing them in mine. I accepted their friendship as we grew our empires and chased our own demons, secure in the knowledge that no matter what we do, where we go, or what we might need… we have each other to count on.

The Four Dark Horsemen.

Only in unity we survive, because in chaos do we thrive.



That’s the first thing in my mind when I open my eyes. The throbbing in my jaw sends prickles all through my scalp.

The marble floor under me is almost icy, making my body shiver. Breathing heavily, I sit up, placing my hand on my chest while trying to make sense of where I am.

I freeze when a voice speaks, and with this, all the memories come flooding back.

“Finally, you’re awake, Briseis. All it took was dropping you on the floor.” Paying no attention to his disgusting voice, I wipe away the tears sliding down my cheeks when I think about Leo bleeding.

I hope Santiago managed to get to him in time; the beautiful creature doesn't deserve to die because of this monster’s madness.

“Go to hell, whoever you are,” I tell him, looking around to study my environment, and my eyes widen at the picture around me.

We must be in a huge mansion, because I’m in the common room surrounded by endless space that has only paintings hanging on the walls and a big throne-like chair and a table next to it right in the middle, several feet away from me. A man sits there, crossing his legs and sipping whiskey while his orbs glisten in pleasure at my outburst.

Two guards stand behind him, each having two guns in their holsters, their stares trained on me.

He takes another sip before replying, “I don't like sassy mouths.” He nods, and the air sticks in my lungs when one of the guards advances and fists my hair, dragging me across the floor, while I try to halt his movements, pain slamming into me from the previous injuries, but it’s useless.

He brings me closer to the man, and I end up at his feet. His leather shoe tips my chin up so our eyes meet, and disgust flashes on his face. “If only you weren’t born so plain, you’d truly be my masterpiece.” I thrash in the hold, scooting back, but the guard tightens his grip on me, keeping me still while the tip of the shoe taps me on my cheek. “It was enough for Santiago though.” He chuckles. “These Cortez men have strange tastes in women.” He leans forward, his whiskey spilling a bit on the floor. “The fact that you’re my daughter didn't stop him from falling in love.” He taps me on the cheek again. “Well done, darling, Daddy is proud.”

He snaps his fingers, and the guard lets me go, my scalp aching as I palm my head but keep staring at the man, musing over his words, yet they make little sense to me.

My father?

This monster… is my father?

“You’re lying. I’m not your daughter,” I reply, shifting back, and chills rush down my spine when his laughter rocks off the walls.

“Ah, the husband dearest didn't share his past with you and the monster responsible for it?” His words still everything inside me; my breathing speeds up while slowly, despite my state, what he says starts to make sense in my head.