He drives off the minute I close the door, clearly afraid they’ll kick me out, and he won’t get his money.

The guard studies me for a second, his eyes widening a little when he stares at my face, and a crooked smile spreads across my mouth.

Oh yes, how could I forget?

My eyes, just like my mother’s, are so striking everyone is mesmerized by them. They should help him make the connection pretty quick.

“God, looking at your eyes makes me want to hurt you even more, boy.”

I grit my teeth, blocking away the despicable voices, and instead address the guard. “My name is Santiago Cortez.”

Someone from behind him snickers, and I find another guard pointing at me and saying, “Right. Move along, kid. No one’s gonna believe you.”

I don’t pay attention to him and instead look back at the guard in front of me who still stares, yet he doesn't tell me to go away.

Good to know my parents still have someone smart on the staff.

Instead, he takes out his phone, dials a number, and waits a bit, all while training his gaze on me. I cross my arms, willing myself to stand still and not allow my past to haunt me right now.

“Derek?” he greets the man, and my brows lift, because the name rings a bell. Wasn't he the head of security all those years ago? “There is a boy here claiming his name is Santiago Cortez.” He stays silent and then, “Dirty, around fifteen, I guess? Blue eyes. Honestly… shitty.” He nods. “Okay.” He hangs up. “He’ll be here in a second. We’ll have to wait.”

“What bullshit. This kid—”

The man’s raised hand stops the insults. “Shut up, Dave.” He motions to the gates. “Come closer.” He glances at my feet, but I pass him, padding on the burning asphalt and wincing a little when it aggravates my wounds. But it’s not enough to give them power over me and have them think I won’t be able to fucking run if they do anything.

In this world, I learned to never trust anyone, even guards at family mansions.

Greed and selfish desires rule this world, and in such, they become a temptation almost impossible to resist. If you promise people the things they so crave and seek… they will betray anyone and anything in a heartbeat.

True loyalty is a rare gift not everyone is granted, and even when they are… they should watch their backs.

Because people and fate can change in the blink of an eye.

Closing my eyes, I lift my face to the sun and allow the cool breeze to wash over me while the smell of my mother’s roses and orchids fill my nostrils, transporting me back to my childhood where I used to run around our garden while Mom painted, laughing at my antics.

Or how Dad used to play pirates with me, and we had our own make-believe ships. The gate served as the edge of the world where no one was allowed to venture outside. He’d leave toys called treasures under different trees, so I could happily finish each quest.

The ironclad gates start to slowly move, and my eyes snap open as I step closer, only to be grabbed by my elbow. Instantly, my skin starts to itch as if thousands of insects dance on it, and the bile in my throat rises along with fury and anger overpowering any other emotions.

Dave tightens his hold on me and hisses, “Not so fast, kid.”

Tearing my elbow away from him, I step back and reply in my controlled voice, “You ever touch me again, you’ll regret it. If you value your job, apologize to me right now.”

Dave laughs, ready to grab me once again, but I’m fast and punch him hard in the face. Instantly, pain travels through me while he barely moves, yet a small drip of blood slides down his nose. “You little—”

“You better listen to him, Dave,” comes the deep voice from afar, and I glance at Derek standing on the other side of the gate, his green eyes roaming over me while he swallows hard.

“Hola, Derek,” I greet him, but he ignores it, instead asking his own question.

“If a bunny sees a wolf hunting, what should the bunny do?”

The fuck is he talking about—

And then the memory from a long time ago pops in my head.

“If a bunny sees a wolf hunting, what should the bunny do?”

I giggle, picking a crayon to color on my drawing pad. “Say hi to it?”