Santiago slowly ends the kiss, giving me light pecks while still holding me close. My eyes snap open when his thumb brushes over my lips that must be swollen, his sapphire orbs flaming so hard it leaves no doubt similar desires drive him. He hugs me, moving locks of my hair to the side as he rests his head in the crook between my shoulder and neck, whispering into my ear. “Querida, your mouth should be forbidden.”
Trembling a little, I ask, “Why?”
“Because with one kiss, all I want to do is fuck you hard on that bar counter and claim you for everyone to see.” I whimper, and he chuckles, tickling the hair on my nape. “You would like that, wouldn't you? Me spreading your thighs apart and eating you out while everyone watches how your skin flushes. Listening to those fucking moans slipping past your mouth that’s trouble with a capital T, and how you come apart in my arms. Every woman would wish to be you while every fucking man would want to trade places with me.” He bites on my earlobe before running his tongue over it, the images he creates in my head making me so wet I’m afraid to move, but still he continues. “I could do this and thousands of other things inside my club, and no one would bat an eye.” His fingers grip my hips so painfully I shift in distress, but of course he doesn’t let me. “Yet I won’t do any of those things no matter how much the need rides me hard, because you belong to me and only me. I don't share my woman with other men. Not even the idea of her.” He leans back and palms my head, a smile shaping his mouth as he winks at me. “So remember that when you come to my club without me.”
That’s when I notice how almost everyone is looking at us, some even snapping pictures, so our kiss will probably blow up all over social media, and the familiar shame fills me once again at how easily I succumbed to him, but more so in front of everyone else.
And who knows who else experienced this with him here.
Stepping back from him, I tell him quietly, “I hope you enjoyed the show.”
He shakes his head. “It wasn't a show. Just letting everyone know who owns this body. So if anyone dares to be tempted by it, they will pay a high price.”
I don’t even bother to comment on this ridiculous statement. “Were you this possessive and obsessive with your other women too, or were they lucky enough to get the bar counter experience?” I regret the words the minute they spill out, not only because they’re coated in jealousy, which probably amuses him to no end, and shows my vulnerabilities.
But also because I’m afraid of what he will say, and then I’ll never step inside this club ever again.
I’m not sure why I even care, all things considered. I have bigger things to worry about.
Like him killing people.
Santiago, however, doesn’t laugh or tease me. Instead, he tells me, “I’ve never kissed anyone before.” Blinking in surprise at this revelation, I gape at him in disbelief, because… what? How in hell is that possible? “No need to get territorial, querida. I don't get obsessive or possessive over anyone but you. Nor did I engage in public displays of affection in the past.” He runs his hand over my hair. “Eres muy especial.”
The butterflies flutter in my stomach, this knowledge warming my stupid heart that likes the idea of being somewhat special to him, but I’m still angry at his behavior.
He doesn’t get to tell me he’ll treat me like his wife only to ditch me as if I have no opinion and then order me around on where to go and with whom.
So I tell him before darting toward the booth, “Well, I’ve kissed a lot of guys.” Not exactly the truth, I think five guys hardly counts as a lot, but then he doesn't need to know it, right?
I manage to reach the table before he catches up with me, the dark look in his eyes letting me know I’m going to pay for that later, and shivers run down my spine in anticipation.
My brows rise seeing Remi sitting with them, smoking a cigar, while the girls engage in some conversation, but I don't miss the subtle glances Lenora throws Remi’s way.
She grins at me. “The blushing bride is back from her make-out session. I started to think you’d dance off to your honeymoon.”
I touch my flaming cheeks and stick my tongue out at her, and she laughs then shifts her focus to my husband. “We haven't met before, but it doesn't matter. I love my friend, so please treat her well. Otherwise, we’re going to have problems.” She extends her hand to him. “Lenora.”
Santiago’s mouth tips in amusement. He shakes her hand and says, “It works both ways. If you don’t treat her well, she won’t have a friend.” I tense at this, recognizing the truth ringing in his sentence and clearly letting Lenora know he doesn't give a fuck about her threats and instead dished out his own.
And compared to her, he can deliver, at least in his mind.
He’ll learn to accept this friendship if he wants a long-lasting relationship.
“I knew I’d like you. You had this aura about you.” She snatches her hand back and checks the time on her phone. “I think I’m gonna go now. I have a morning call with Amalia to look over several designs before I fly to New York.”
Remi’s cigar pauses midway to his mouth, and he tears his orbs away from the dance floor and gives my friend all his attention, his eyes narrowing a fraction.
Waving away the smoke around us, I reply, “Right. I hope you’ll have time, and we can meet before you leave.” We haven't managed to interact much tonight, and besides, it was only to reassure her I’m all right anyway.
“Works for me.” She gets up and opens her arms wide, hugging me tightly and rocking us from side to side. “I hate I wasn’t the maid of honor, but I’m really, really happy you found the one,” she murmurs for my ears only and bounces back, picking up her phone. “I’m gonna order a cab and be on my way.”
Remi gets up, his moves so graceful and flawless, they remind me of a panther prowling through the forest. “I’ll drive you home.”
Lenora’s eyes widen, but she quickly shakes her head. “Oh, no need. I don't want to trouble anyone.”
“I was about to leave anyway.” He then offers Jimena, “Do you need a ride home too?”
Jimena, who mostly stayed quite during this exchange, musters up a smile for him, although I can still see traces of sadness that she masks so well. “If you don't mind.” She slides out, and he pulls her to him, throwing his arm over her shoulders and kissing her on the cheek.