However, no way in hell am I inviting my friend over while that fucking lion lives in the territory. I love animals and all, but such beastly creatures should be admired at a distance and not run around my yard dreaming about eating me for lunch or dinner!
She huffs in exasperation. “Spoken like a good wife. Okay, ask the husband dearest and let me know. I’m traveling to New York in a week, so we have to meet before then.”
“Oh, why?”
“Amalia Scott is getting married soon, and she wants Frankie to design her dress. Frankie though has so many projects she offered for me to design it instead, promising Amalia she would love my work. Can you imagine? I have the best boss.”
“Oh my God! That’s amazing.”
“Yeah, if she approves my design, I’ll be all over the magazines. It’ll open so many doors for me,” she squeals excitedly. “Her groom is a famous composer, so it’s a win-win.” An odd note rings in her words, especially on the groom part. “Anyhow, they’re both rich, gorgeous, and magnificent. The perfect pair.”
“I’m gonna talk to Santiago, and then—” Jimena snatches my phone away from me. I have a moment to blink in surprise as she somehow ended up next me, and she speaks into the phone loudly.
“Lenora? Hola! I’m Jimena Cortez. I was wondering if you are free tonight by any chance?” She glances at her watch. “We could meet at my brother’s club in two hours. How does that sound?”
“What?” I mouth, trying to get my phone back, but Jimena only slaps my hand away, while I’m mortified and slightly curious at her proposition.
Over the years, I’ve heard various rumors about their club and what people do there, especially the sexually provocative ones—including that one time a woman had a “fivesome” inside it and loved every single minute spent there.
Her exact words.
I don’t even know how she managed to have one. Where do you put all those dicks?
Lenora and I planned to visit it someday, but whenever we checked entry prices or requirements, we didn’t qualify for even one of them.
As eager as I was to visit in the past though… I have no desire to visit a place where my husband probably picked up his endless number of women.
Jimena’s brows furrow when Lenora explains something to her. “No worries about that. Just come to the club and tell them your name. I will inform security and Sam.” Who the hell is Sam? “Great. See you there.” She hangs up, drops the phone on my lap, and announces, “I’m going to get ready quickly, and we can go have fun.”
“I can’t leave.”
“Why not?”
“I can’t go out without his permission.” The last sentence pains me to say it, and my insides despise it with my whole being; nevertheless, it stays true. “He makes the rules.”
Jimena snorts. “My brother was stupid enough to leave you here. Why should you suffer? We’ll have a good time, and you can see your friend.” Well, when she puts it like that…. “Besides, it will be hilarious to see his reaction.” She chuckles, and it sends uneasiness through me, although at the thought of his discomfort, I perk up, wanting to punish him a little for hightailing his ass out of here.
Or maybe just ruffle his feathers, even if I’m going to regret it later.
Pushing through Octavius’s mansion’s main doors, I stroll directly toward the basement, which is located at the end of the hallway. My shoes thump soundly on the perfectly polished golden marble floor, which glistens under the harsh light brightening up the entire fucking place, because my friend cannot stand any darkness.
His butler, who has known us all since we were five years old and used to chase us around the fucked-up garden outside, stays hot on my heels, greeting me as we both stroll to my destination. “Mr. Cortez, how nice to finally see you again.”
“You too, Antonio.” I reach the metal door leading to the basement, quickly press the passcode, and it opens with a loud click as he continues to talk.
“Young master and the rest are already downstairs.”
“Good,” I reply right before slipping inside as the door shuts in his face, and then I grab one of the lanterns hanging on the wall. I flick it on and descend the brick stairs, the sound reverberating through the space as I hear faint echoes in the distance, a smile shaping my mouth as I recognize the whimpers.
Hopefully replacing my father’s words still blasting in my mind over and over again, even though I’ve done my best to block them out.
“When will it end, Santiago? When will my every single word stop being a red cloth to a bull that’s your rage?”
I barely restrained myself from shouting the answer, so maybe he’ll finally stop all this shit and give up already.