The last thing I want is to spend the night here alone and have an even more awkward breakfast when my husband dearest doesn’t show up, hurting his parents once again.
That’s the rational part of me though; the rebellious side apparently existing within me enjoys the prospect of driving my husband insane and longs to go against his stupid orders.
So, mustering a bright smile on my face, I reply, “That sounds lovely.”
Happiness shines on her face as she replies, “Thank you.” Turning around, she resumes her walk to the garden, reaching the terrace doors in five steps. Silence once again stretches around us, and I lean back in my chair, covering my face with my hands and groaning into them.
What in the hell did Santiago get me into?
“Don’t beat yourself up. After five or six such dinners, you’ll get used to it.” I glance at Jimena, noticing her staring at me as she leans on her elbows, her blue eyes sparking. “So I consider this dinner a success. It lasted almost fifteen minutes.”
“How long do they usually last?”
She shrugs. “Five or ten minutes. Depending on Dad’s resistance to Santiago’s subtle jabs aimed his way. Although there was an exception when the dinner lasted for thirty minutes.” She frowns, snapping her fingers several times before pointing the index one at me. “It was on Mom’s birthday, and she begged Santiago to stay till we cut the cake. The minute she stopped slicing it up, he disappeared like the wind.”
“I see.” Because what else is there to say in such a situation? I highly doubt asking her the source of it will be any help anyway, so I open my mouth to comment on the invitation to stay here and maybe check the library and resources Santiago has about the four riders.
My sketches always helped me in my darkest hours, my soul finding solace between the pale white pages and the ability to purge any emotion on to them. I found some relief from the endless sorrow eating me alive. Maybe working again will bring me peace until this situation is over.
My heart pangs painfully in my chest at the prospect of not seeing Santiago again, and I hate myself in this moment, despising its weakness.
Even if I stayed and he changed… could I ever live with a man who is a monster?
A predator who has already tasted blood on his tongue would never, ever become someone who lets go of it willingly.
No, he’ll continue to hunt his prey till the day he dies, chasing them all, one after another.
The loud ringing in my purse halts my intentions though, and I quickly take it out, seeing Lenora’s name flashing on the display. “Sorry,” I tell Jimena who gestures in a “don’t worry” move, and I tap the Answer icon, lifting it to my ear only to pull it away when Lenora’s screeching voice shouts.
“What in the hell, woman?”
“Don’t fucking hey me. The day is almost over, and did you call me? Nope. I have to do it all on my own.”
“Yeah, well, I just got my phone back like an hour ago, so.”
My excuse means nothing to her, not that I thought it would. And besides, it’s not like I can tell her I got blackmailed into marriage, so I had no means to communicate with her anyway?
“Seriously? I can’t believe it. You know how worried I was? Especially when I saw all those bodies covered in white sheets…” Her voice trembles a little, and I sigh, wishing for my best friend to be here so I could wrap my arms around her and reassure her I’m okay. “And then I find out you sneaked out to get married. Honestly, you’re in big trouble, Briseis.”
“I’ll do my best to make it up to you.”
“You better.” She exhales heavily before she asks, this time concern lacing her tone, and a smile tugs at my lips, because it’s such a Lenora reaction. She gets angry quickly but underneath it all, love pushes always to the surface, because she cares about the people around her so much. “Are you really okay?”
Oh, how I wish to spill the beans to my best friend and beg her to come here. Then I, at least, would have someone in my corner who’ll be on my side among all these people who love Santiago fiercely and who throw threats my way or warn me about what happens if he doesn’t have my loyalty.
For her to hug me and to cry on her shoulder, because all this is such a mess.
But mostly importantly, I want to tell her how my body and heart crave a man who no sane woman should be with.
However, none of those things is an option, as I don’t want her to be part of this twisted blackmail.
“Yes, I’m okay. A bit shaken, all things considered, but I’m okay; don’t worry.” Since she stays silent, I add, “No one hurt me last night either.”
“That’s good, because I wondered…. Doesn’t matter. When can we see each other? I’d totally stop by your place but don’t want to interrupt the love birds,” she teases, laughing softly while my cheeks heat up, because it’s so freaking true, which is an annoying fact in itself.
“I’ll have to ask Santiago about that.” Although based on our conversation in the car, I assume invitations are allowed, since he told me I can live my life normally?