His disgusting remarks, his desire to always dominate the help, and his complete lack of consideration for my boys.

In fact, sometimes it feels as if he hates them for just being born, as they instantly became my husband’s heirs, which meant he was left with nothing.

He always played with my husband’s good heart, but Joaquin was terrified after discovering what his twin did.

He sold children. He participated in hideous crimes, all so he could live in luxury without working or begging his brother for money.

A gasp slips past my lips.

So everything Rush believed was true about his father was a lie? It was Jade who was the asshole my father intended to kill.

Joaquin says there is a man who handles situations like this, or at least hunts down men like Jade. In fact, Jade mentioned Lachlan’s name in passing with a sneer, despising the man for going against him.

My husband will give him all the information he has, and hopefully they can catch Jade before anything bad happens.

Joaquin needs to travel to meet up with this man, and I’m scared because I’m pregnant with our baby girl.

What if something happens?

He adores our family, and he’s my rock, the only person who’s ever loved me. The idea of anything happening to him drives me insane, and I wish to run into his arms and beg him to stay so we can exist in our own paradise, where the outside world doesn’t touch us.

However, I can’t stop him because whenever I try to, he always asks me the same questions.

What if it were our children? What if it were the boys who got kidnapped?

That’s my husband, always doing the right thing, and I pray my boys grow up just like him.

Brave. Loving. Loyal.

And nothing like their uncle, who hopefully will be locked up soon.

“The men are staring at us,” Jesse whispers while plastering a fake smile on her face and bumping Lavender, who to my astonishment gets the hint and grins as well, humming something. “Read it quicker.”

I glance over my shoulder at the guards I don’t recognize, so they must have come with Jade, and speed up my reading.

There are several more entries of her waiting for her husband to come while giving various stories about the boys.

And then the date goes immediately to almost two years later, as if someone ripped out almost half the diary.

Fear envelops me whole, blanketing my mind while aching pain rocks off my body, reminding me of the various bruises that monster has left on me.

I can barely hold the pen in my grip, my words jumbled together. However, I need to get this out so he doesn’t see it.

While he allows me to write in my diary, I always have to rip the pages away and then burn them so no one finds out.

So no one suspects.

So no one questions why I still stay with him despite everything he’s done to me.

A sob escapes me while my intimate parts hurt so badly I wish to lie down and drink something, as my voice is almost nonexistent after he covered my mouth with his hand for hours while doing the unthinkable to me.

My torn clothes feel almost foreign on me while I hold back my tears after being raped.


The bile rises in my throat at this, my heart going out to a woman who adored her life, to being one clearly hating it.

All the days merge into one never-ending nightmare that I wish to forget.