While, yes, in the grand scheme of things, nothing changed in the sense that no sane man holds a woman captive or as bait, but…
My saving grace and hope were that my father would come to this island to rescue me from Rush and the lust consuming me with his every touch.
I thought with Dad’s appearance, whatever pull Rush has on me would diminish, or at least I made myself believe that.
But for the first time since arriving on this island, I dread his arrival.
Because I don’t know how I’m supposed to behave with my father right now.
I no longer have my safety net. I’m freefalling into the abyss, and the only person I can count on is myself.
“Have you known?”
William meets my gaze after my question.
“Is this why you helped Rush? You know about my family and believe they are responsible for the past?”
He leans on his elbows. “Yes. Rush explained in great detail about how Lachlan raised him, in a way. Or rather freed him from hell and gave him purpose.” Letting people kill is giving them purpose? “However, I don’t know about the past. Rush is very stubborn. He shares that trait with your father.” He chuckles, although it lacks any humor. “Maybe that’s why he is the only one of Lachlan’s students to go against him.”
So all those teenagers living in the special mansion weren’t just ones my parents took under their wing to help them out in the world.
No, it was a place my father bred murderers.
“The only one who lived long enough to plot revenge, you mean?” I greedily gulp the drink, although due to my emotions, it tastes bitter on my tongue.
“I would refrain from judging your father until you hear his side of the story.”
My brows rise in surprise at this, and he sends a sad smile my way.
“If I’ve learned one thing in my years, it’s to not jump to conclusions.”
My heart desperately wishes for his words to be true, so I can find one reason, one single reason, that can justify my father’s actions, and in this soothe the conflict within me.
And yet… what could possibly ever justify murdering?
Rush is a murderer too, and yet it didn’t stop you from sleeping with him. More than once.
The ruthless voice in my head points out my flaws easily, and isn’t that the truth?
I should give my father the benefit of the doubt.
But I guess all my professional knowledge urges me to not be swayed by my emotions, as psychos are great manipulators.
I have my questions, and there is only one person who can answer them all.
“Where is Rush?”
“In his sanctuary.”
“Which is where?”
William straightens up and shifts in discomfort, clearly not wanting to tell me, but I push.
“Where is he? I need to talk to him.” While I’m grateful for all his care, I have to find answers. “And where is Lavender? Is she okay?”
“Yes, she’ll be staying in your room. Rush approved.” He grits his teeth. “Although he told Jade to leave, his uncle stayed due to the stormy weather.” Only then does the thunder booming in the sky register in my ears. “So I asked Jesse to stay locked in your room until you go back there.”