I’m too lost, soaking up all the warmth enveloping me, to focus on what he says, so I snap my eyes open when my back hits the tile again, the hot man splaying both of his palms on either side of my head while caging me in between his rigid muscles and the wall.

“No one else gets to touch you but me. Do you understand that?”

I bite on my lower lip, refusing to answer this despite the fire igniting my blood and whispering for me to succumb to whatever he wants as long as it entails relief from this madness.

“I own this body.”

“You corrupted my body,” I whisper when he inches closer, our mouths a breath apart, and still the groan when he pushes his hips into me, his hard-on brushing my stomach and leaking pre-cum. My core dampens and it has nothing to do with the water still cascading behind him. I place my palm on his chest, creating an illusion of distance between us. “Confused it and made it crave you.” A raspy breath slips past my lips. “I hate you for it.”

Because he proves to me that attraction, lust and…even love have nothing to do with moral code or what we believe is right.

Some people speak to the deeper, hidden parts of us, which makes us unable to resist them and in this fall down the rabbit hole that’s endless misery.

For no man who kidnapped you can be your happily ever after.


Our gazes clash, so much fire in his green eyes, it’s a wonder he doesn’t burn us with it, and his earlier statement pulls at the naive and dreamy me still living somewhere inside me that urges me to believe in fairy tales.

That some men change even if as a psychologist I know in most cases it’s a myth.

After all, that’s women’s greatest downfall, isn’t it?

Believing a red flag can turn into a green one simply because we love and want them when in truth the red flag enjoys being one and rarely if ever sees anything wrong with his actions.

All we have is right now until my father arrives and then the hell will be unleashed on us unless I will find a weapon to stop them both.

Now the idea of using desire to control this man seems too idiotic to me because I’m the student and he’s the master who has all the power.

“It makes the both of us, princess.” His husky voice brings me to the conversation at hand as he puts his thumb on my chin, tipping it upward. “My desire for you will be my greatest downfall.” And slams his mouth into mine, his tongue tracing over my lips and slipping inside, seeking mine and connecting them in a hot, passionate, toe-curling kiss, sending shivers down my spine.

He swallows my moan and my hand slides down, covering his wet bandage. My heart pangs painfully at the reminder of how much pain I brought him even if it wasn’t deep or barely nicked him.

Angling my head for better access, I let him seep from my mouth and stake his claim all over it again, giving him all of me in this embrace, wanting to soak up every minute of this madness before reality breaks the spell once again.

His tongue explores my mouth, roaming inside me and in this marking his territory as if warning anyone away so they wouldn’t dare touch what doesn’t belong to them while he rocks his hips forward, thousands of sensations spreading through me, filling my bones with need.

My hands skim upward, ready to circle his neck and press myself into him when he grabs my arms and locks them above my head while tearing his mouth away, both for us gulping for breath. Only for me to moan when he roams his gaze over my form and then bends to capture my nipple between his teeth, prickles of pain nipping on me before he flicks it with his tongue from side to side and then draws it hard into his mouth.

I arch my back while my head hits the tile, wishing for this to prolong as long as possible, but at the same time the scorching heat consuming me drives me insane.

Twisting my writs in his firm grip, I whimper in protest when he doesn’t let me go and instead glides his wet mouth to my other breast, scraping his teeth on the nipple before sucking on it, twirling his tongue around it, shooting zipping sensations to my clit and damping my core even more. “Rush, please.”

The pleasure along with the tension building up inside are almost too much to bear as his mouth skillfully delivers torture to all my nerve endings and he rocks his pelvis into me, the hard length pulsing against me, and my core clenches just remembering his cock ripping through my virginity and introducing me to sex.

Memories add fuel to the fire that’s my body and I whimper, “Please, I can’t take it anymore.”

He gives my nipple one long lick before shifting to my collarbone, tracing his tongue over it and then sucking on the skin so hard, I know he wants to leave hickey there for everyone to see.

Possessive, possessive villain.

Why do I want him so much then?

Because on this island all the monsters would stay away as long as he is close to me and the knowledge in itself is a pleasurable aphrodisiac.

His other hand covers my core again, the heel of his palm pressing on my clit, and I can’t bear his stillness. “I need you, Rush. Badly.” I can’t believe the hoarse words come out of my mouth, but I’m beyond caring at this point.

“Look how wet you are for me, princess.” His fingers skim over my walls, up and down as if tracing something on my skin. “It should have Rush written here.” Only then it dawns on me he writes his name on me, the pads of his fingers incredibly gentle on my flesh all while his lips tickle my skin when he whispers against my collarbone, continuing to pamper it with small kisses. “Because this pussy responds only to my touch. Doesn’t it, princess?”