That’s when I hear the footsteps and loud voices announcing the guards’ arrival.

“Quickly, free them!” I whisper-shout at the girls while jumping into action and taking a huge, readied syringe, grinning when I read the tag.


Then I grab the gun with the most bullets, putting an extra magazine in my pocket as well.

“There is no such thing as too many bullets in life-threatening situations, Aileen. Always, always think a few steps ahead.”

I quickly plaster myself against a wall when the door to the basement opens just in time for the girls to break the lock. “Can I have my turn with them as well? After you’re done with them?” the new voice asks, and the other guy laughs.

“Yes. The bitches will suck a lot of dick today.”

They descend the stairs, and then one of them mutters, “What the fuck? What are you doing?” They quicken their steps, darting toward the girls helping William and George out, albeit the butlers are slow due to their injuries.

That’s when I remove the safety on the gun and shoot at the assholes’ knees, their shouts reverberating in the space as they bend forward, swaying a little, and I fire more bullets at their feet and hands.

“You bitch!” one of them screams, turning toward me, but I’m faster as I insert the needle in his chest, giving him half the dose of the poison inside.

Before the second guy can gain his bearings, I take the syringe and stab it in him, kicking the first one hard, who falls on his back, groaning and trying to get up.

The second guy is stronger. He manages to wrap his arm around my neck, squeezing it hard as I try to fight him off, while he mumbles into my neck, “Stupid girl!” I want to fire another bullet but don’t want to injure myself or my friends.

So without thinking much, I lean forward, and then with all my might, I hit him with the back of my head, and he groans as I spin around, punching him in the face.

Despite the slight dizziness, I step back, breathing heavily while the man falls, joining his friend. They stare up at the ceiling, not moving a muscle, and I know the poison has started to work.

This particular one makes you motionless, poisoning your insides until they just shut down, and you feel all the pain.

Maybe I should feel remorse, but right now, with adrenaline pumping through my blood, desperately trying to survive this madness, I do not care.

It’s either my life or theirs.

“Oh my God!” Jesse shouts, and I glare at her.

“Quiet! We need to get out before someone else shows.”

I grab a new gun, tossing the old one away, and take an extra one, giving it to Jesse, who just blinks.

“No way! I’m not touching this!” She sighs under my prolonged stare. “I don’t want to kill anyone.”

“Me neither, so shoot only if you absolutely have to.” I look behind her as William struggles to stand up straight, limping a bit and heavily leaning on George, who seems stronger, yet I see sweat mixing with blood on his forehead that tells me all this weighs a ton on them. “Can you two walk?”

William breathes heavily, and they share a look before hanging their heads. “No, darling. I think we will hold you back.”

I glance at the two men who will probably die soon if we don’t come up with another plan. “Do you know the code to this place?” They both nod. “If we lock you up, will you be safe?”

“Rush made it a bunker as well, so unless the island goes underwater… we will be safe here.”

Oh, how tempting it is to just lock myself up with them and let destiny decide what to do with the assholes upstairs. However, I don’t have such luxury.

I need to save Dad and Rush before Jade has his victory.

“Okay, then you’ll stay here.” I ponder on this while their eyes widen. “How can I get help?”

“Rush has a phone in his office. If you press the button on the side, he will get a notification, and the mansion will go on lockdown with cameras scanning for intruders. Whoever isn’t in the databases will be shot.”

What in the hell?