This island belongs to us, and if any child can survive in it… it’s me.

I will wait. Just a little bit. And the justice system I wholeheartedly believe in will take care of the rest. These men will be punished, their horrible boss too, and my siblings and I will know the satisfaction of capturing our parents’ killers.

The law will protect us.

So I waited patiently for my twin. Every morning, I would get up and go to the ocean from the hidden space and watch the horizon, with hope filling me to the brink, expecting a boat that would be my salvation.

My days were filled with trying to find food and escaping despicable men.

And at night, I lay awake, listening to wild beasts coming alive, praying for no one to come and eat me. My fear became so strong I started to draw with my own blood. Thankfully, Rafael and I left our wooden box with blankets and a knife when we played fortress out here last time.

But despite all that, I hoped and waited for my twin, excusing all this with either storms or their inability to reach me for any other reason.

However, with time, resentment grew, and my excuses dried up, my mind refusing to make me believe in illusions.

Why would it anyway?

After all, days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and finally months into years.

They didn’t show.


I’m floating on cloud nine, it seems, everything around me warm and soft, swallowing me whole, and my aching muscles weep with joy when I turn to the side, only to dip into the softness again.

This place is heavenly, and I never want to leave it. My sore feet rub against each other while I sigh in relief, my fingers curling into the plush blanket.

A ticklish sensation rushes down my back as if a feather touches it, and a smile curves my lips, my cheek digging into the pillow while the feeling continues. Moving upward, it reaches my nape, and a gasp slips past my lips when a hot palm settles on my neck, gripping it tight and forcefully pulling me to lie on my back once again.

My eyes snap open in annoyance, only to collide with the hollow emerald ones gazing at me with such indifference everything inside me squeezes because it doesn’t mean anything good to me.

I hiss at the bright sunlight streaming through the open balcony door, billowing the orange curtains as birds sing their morning song with all their might. The breeze tickles my skin, bringing much-needed relief.

“Wake up, Aileen,” the man who rudely awakened me orders, his palm flexing around me for a second before he lets go and gets up, straightening and making me blink in surprise at how well put together he looks.

He wears jeans and a navy-blue T-shirt emphasizing the six-pack I trailed my fingers over last night, and his powerful form emits dominance even now.

His dark hair is wet, dripping on his shoulders, while the platinum watch on his wrist glistens. “Rush,” I say, confusion lacing my tone as I sit up—and cover myself with the blanket, since I’m apparently naked beneath it.

“Get up. It’s almost noon. You’ve had your sleep.” He points at me. “You need to eat and regain strength.”

The curtains billow once again, snapping my attention to them, and their color finally hits me. “I’m in my room.” The place is exactly how I left it, down to the uneaten apple on the table and half-finished glass of water. “What’s going on?”

Why am I here? Yesterday, I fell asleep in his arms after he shut me up with another kiss and round of lovemaking, and I welcomed it because during sex is the only time I don’t have to think.

My brain, heart, and common sense are in sync, all craving one thing—pleasure.

“Nothing. You’re back where you belong.” I blink in confusion at him, and he elaborates and in this stabs me right into my bruised heart. “After all, you’re my captive, aren’t you? And captives shouldn’t stay in their captor’s bedroom.”

I reel back as if he slapped me, unable to cover up the hurt on my face, and his jaw flexes right before he gives me cold indifference once again.

“I think we need to end our game now.”

I grip the blanket harsher while my stomach flips. “Game?” Despite my best efforts, my voice sounds lost and hollow, pain evident in every word leaving my mouth.

“Yes, the role playing of Beauty and the Beast can stop now.” His gaze swipes over me. “I already got what I wanted, and everything else will be too complicated for your little innocent self.” A sinister smile sends prickles down my spine as it flashes on his face. “I’m cruel, but even I have my limits.”

“Limits?” I repeat like the damn parrot, too lost to take a hint.