Once upon a time, I never understood how a man capable of violence and deceit, and fueled by rage, could ever think about anything else but his past.

The idea of going insane over a woman was astonishing and laughable.

Right in this moment, though, with her lying beneath me, her hands roaming down my back as her legs flex around me, trying to bring me closer to her while her hot breath fans my cheeks, I understand.

For nothing but complete madness explains my pull toward her, even after she betrayed me, and the jealousy and possessiveness consuming me just at the thought of my brother pressing his lips to hers.

Her mouth, her body, her fucking pussy belong to me now, and no one has a right to touch her.

No one but me.

Her hand trails down my side, lower and lower until it reaches the bandage, a gasp escaping her while she gently traces over the wound, making me hiss above her. She fists my hair, tugging on it until our eyes meet.

A single tear slides down her cheek. “I’m sorry,” she whispers, regret evident in her voice because the idea of hurting someone brings her pain.

After all, a soul not used to harming others weeps when they must do it, as their compassion tears them in two.

But behind the regret, there is stubbornness and determination, promising me more rebellion to come, despite her body craving me.

“I will never be your willing captive.”

She said those words to me right before running away, and I think they define everything.

No matter how powerless she is against the lust and longing pulling us together, she will never willingly sign up to such a fate and will use any weapon at her disposal to save herself.

To flee from the golden cage of my creation.

Just like Belle never truly accepted the Beast until he held her captive, she understood his value when he let her go and then fell in love with him.

But I can never do that.

For letting her go and allowing her to choose would mean turning my back on revenge and saving Lachlan, as she would accept nothing else.

And who would I be if I betrayed my mother in such a way?


“Surviving in the wild is possible.

However, keeping your humanity intact in such circumstances is not.

Because in the wild, you learn one golden rule.

Either you will kill or be killed.

For nature is ruthless and has no mercy for the weak.

The strongest one survives.



Rush, 9 years old

Pain ricochets through my body as something stabs into my side, the piercing sensation spreading all over my system. I shift a little, only to groan loudly when every inch of my body hurts so bad I want to cry.

Another stab to my left comes, this time something digging fiercely into my thigh, and my eyes snap open as the blinding sun shines brightly on me, almost blocking out the view in front of me.