Tingling sensations travel from my lower back to my balls and I bite on her lower lip just as she moans, her pussy clenching me impossibly tight right as I tighten my hold on her.
One. Two. Three more thrusts and I cover her mouth when she screams, finding her release, and welcome my growls when I spill inside her, her palms gliding up and down my back before she hugs me close to her.
She hides her face into the crook of my neck while we both breathe heavily, the pleasure ricocheting through my entire body along with wonder.
Wonder from finally truly claiming my woman.
No one will take her away from me ever again.
Not even her father.
I sigh when Rush runs his fingers through my hair, playing with the locks as I place my hands on his chest and rest my chin on them, lying between his legs.
His back is prepped against the headboard, one knee bent, and he must read he question on my face because he asks, “What is it, baby?”
Part of me wishes to keep my mouth shut and let fate decided the outcome of the inevitable blow that’s coming our way once my father finds out the truth, but the other one… the good girl one? Makes me spills all the beans to my man. “My parents are coming back tomorrow.” I close my eyes when his fingers press a little bit harder, sending prickles of pleasure through me as if he wants to wipe all my worries away.
“I know. Everything is going to be all right.”
I look at him, baffled, and he laughs.
“As well as it can be in the current situation, Aileen. We won’t hide and once they arrive I will speak to Lachlan. Either way, we won’t be sneaking around like a bunch of teenagers.”
My laughter echoes in the night when he tickles my sides and then palms my head, bringing my closer to him. “Too late to change your mind now,” I warn him just as he kisses me and the desire builds up in the pit of my stomach, but before it can reign over me, I tear my mouth away and sit up. “I’d like to have some time with my parents before we break the news to them.”
He tenses, his muscles going rigid against me, and he flexes his arms around my back, tugging me closer to him while his green orbs flash in fury. Clearly, he doesn’t like the idea.
Rush opens his mouth to protest, but I put my fingers on his lips, rubbing my thumb over them, and try my best to find the right words to explain my feelings. “Do you know that we haven’t spoken with Dad about the dark protégés?”
His brows lift in surprise and I smile sadly.
“I didn’t want to give him unnecessary stress.” A beat passes while the memories from the last months play in my mind. “But you know my curious nature, so I went to the next best source.”
He guessed right.
“Yes, I figured he’d have all the answers for me. Ironically, he said the same thing you did back on the island.” I cast my gaze down, tracing my finger around one of his scars, hating this ache in my chest that doesn’t go away. “His explanation didn’t shine light on my dad’s past or what happened to him that led to such choices. Choices he still follows despite falling in love with my mom.” And Mom’s whole speech about him kidnapping her from her studio didn’t help the matters either.
He contemplates all this for a long moment. “So you want to talk with your father about his past?” Judging by his tone, he doesn’t think that’s a good idea, and that’s an answer in itself, right?
If a man who lived through sorrows thinks it’s a bad idea to uncover my father’s past… what kind of life did he have?
I shake my head and sigh again. “Yes and no.”
He stays silent, waiting for me to elaborate, and it feels so good to finally have someone to voice all my worries to.
“Yes because I’m curious and want to know all the details.” I accepted their dark side if it entails saving all the lost souls. However, sometimes a girl just needs more details. “No because I see it in his eyes.”
“Fear that I might ask. Dad doesn’t want me to dwell in his past and discover that he isn’t perfect. We both know I know, but we both pretend I don’t because that’s easier.”
His thumbs brush over my cheeks and he tips my chin up so our eyes meet again. “I don’t understand, baby. What does all this have to do with our relationship and coming clean about it?”
“When I choose you, Dad won’t be able to pretend anymore.” My voice drops to a whisper, “I will no longer be his little girl who lives in the heaven of his creation. I’ll be someone who tasted the dark side and chose it over all the choices he has given me by sheltering me from the horrible things happening.”