A moment passes, and finally tension dissolves, slowly leaving just understanding and acceptance in its wake—something our friendship has always had.
Elena squeezes my shoulder. “Maybe he let you go because he really loves you. After all, it takes a lot for a bad guy not to be selfish, right?”
“But if he really loves you, he will find a way to you again.” Caroline opens her arms wide, and we all end up in a big group hug, stealing strength from each other. “And if he doesn’t, then you will move on.”
Pierre sneaks up behind Elena, and his strong arms envelop us all, making us laugh through the tears, and for the first time since coming back home, calmness settles over me.
I might have lost my heart, but at least I will always have my friends.
And that should be enough.
Why then does hope still blossom in my chest, dying for a miracle to happen?
Familiar prickles on the back of my neck tickle my skin, akin to silk gliding over my flesh, as if someone’s permanent stamp of ownership burns there any time someone else touches me, and I know.
I know he’s watching.
But watching is no longer enough.
If he likes to watch so much, then tonight, I guess I’ll have to give him the show of a lifetime, right?
Sitting in my car outside the building, I smile at my phone displaying the surveillance app, seeing Aileen finally grinning, and some light comes back into her eyes after all this time.
Around her friends, where she can share her pain, she blooms like the roses in my garden, ready to bask in sunshine that’s everyone’s love toward her.
I trail my finger over her image, drinking in every detail about her, and growl when Pierre ruffles her hair, making her slap his hand away. And then she gives him a hug while they smile at one another.
Another man touching what belongs to me awakens the need to go there and snatch her away from him, consuming me to a point where I grip the door handle so hard it makes a cracking sound.
The only thing keeping me sane right now is his official relationship with Elena… and the fact that he never went far with my woman.
All her firsts belong to me, and no one in this world has tasted her orgasm but me.
My Aileen.
In every fairy tale, love conquers all.
However, I think the time has come to write my own story.
And in this one, a villain gets a second chance, for his heart is not rotten.
It’s just bruised.
“Everything in this world has a price. I’m just not sure she’s ready to pay for the desire owning us both.”
“What are we doing here?” I ask in confusion, my brows furrowing as we get out of the car in front of a huge-ass building we used to sneak into as kids.
The library.
A gust of wind slaps me on the cheeks, and I tighten my coat around me, while hopping from one high-heel-covered foot to the other, as the dress I’m wearing underneath it gives little warmth.