Page 82 of His Forever


“Just travel around the country, stopping where we wanted to stop and going where we wanted to go.”

“We can, you know.”

“How? I mean, you own a business and I have clients at the salon!”

“Si, this is true, however, I have banked a lot of money over the years and can afford to take the time. Our first year together, mi siempre hermosa, is important. If you want to take more time, we can plan to do that, just let me know.”



Finally at home, he made her wait on the porch while he got their bags. Once everything was on the porch, he unlocked the door and carried her over the threshold. “Welcome home, Mrs. Álvarez,” he said, kissing her.

“Mmmm, I love the sound of that, Mr. Álvarez,” she told him as he put her down. Hearing a noise, she looked down to see the three cats and Duke winding their way around their legs. “Handsome, I think we were missed,” she said as she crouched down to pet the meowing cats.

“Si, it looks that way, mi siempre hermosa,” he replied as he joined her on the floor to rub Duke down. “I think I will figure out how we can take them with us the next time we go gallivanting.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

Three Months Later

He walked into the house and headed into the kitchen where he spotted his wife at the stove. Moving behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. “How was your day, mi siempre hermosa?”

“It was good. Got the last of the Christmas shopping done and wrapped and then Mamá and I made some cookies. She taught me a few new recipes so guess what we’re having for dessert?”

Grinning, he went over to the platter and snagged a cookie saying, “I need to taste test beforehand.”

She laughed while shaking her head at his antics. “So, we’ll leave the day after New Year’s?” she asked.

“Si, I went ahead and paid ahead on the utilities and they will email us if we need to pay ahead further. I’m glad we are taking this next year to travel, mi siempre hermosa. I know it’s going to be hard with you just now building a good clientele base, but from what Mamá said, they’ll come back to you once we return.”

“And if they don’t, there will be others. I think we need this time alone to ensure we have an unbreakable bond. Having to rely on one another instead of everyone will be good. Plus, we’ll have the laptops and our phones so it’s not like we won’t be talking to them, right?”

“Exactly. So, am I correct in presuming you will be busy this next week or so before we leave?”

“Yeah, but not too busy for you. Never for you.”

Pulling her close again, he kissed her. “Te amo, mi siempre hermosa,” he whispered in her ear.

“Mmm, I love you too, handsome. In fact, I think we have time now for me to show you just how much.”

“Lead the way, mi siempre hermosa. I love the view.”


As they got the last of their things in the motorhome for their trip, she smiled. Their families, knowing that “stuff” wouldn’t work for them this Christmas, had instead loaded them down with every kind of gift card imaginable. She had already loaded up her Kindle with reading material, and the essential oils she had ordered had arrived just in time because she was taking her portable massage table. “You ready, mi siempre hermosa?” he asked as he carried the cats out in carriers.

“Yes! Let’s get this show on the road. I still can’t believe that Mamá threw a going away party for New Year’s Eve. She’s a bit of a party girl, isn’t she?”

Laughing, he put the cats up in their bunk and secured the netting so they wouldn’t fall out. He had made the bunk into “their” room, complete with a non-movable litter box. “She is but I think she is happy that we are taking this time, you know?” he replied as he pulled her to him for a kiss. “I know I’m excited about the places we are going.”

“Me too,” she murmured as she nuzzled his jaw. “And with Paulie and Gray checking on the house, I know everything here will be just fine.”

“Si. We have a good family, mi siempre hermosa. Now, as you said, let’s get the show on the road.”

Chapter Twenty-Five