Page 73 of His Forever

“Mmhmm, that’s fine, handsome.”

As she walked into the salon, Paulie glanced at her, already at his station. “Love looks good on you, chica,” he drawled out.

“Yeah, it does, doesn’t it?” she sassed back as she made her way into the breakroom. Sitting there and going over her schedule, she smiled to herself and thoughtlife is good. We may not be married, but he loves me and I love him. I can live with that.


She came into the room and said, “Are you ready, Zeus?”

“Si, mi siempre hermosa. You know I love your hands on me.”

Giggling, she leaned down and whispered, “As much as I love yours on me.”

As she began working on him, her mind drifted to that morning and she found herself panting at the sheer hotness of what they had done. Working on his leg, she saw that the towel was doing little to cover his hard-on and without thinking, she raised the table slightly before she drew the towel away.



“What are you doing, mi siempre hermosa?” he asked, his voice deepening to that raspy tone she loved.

“You’ll see,” she said as she slowly stroked his length. “I’ve been wanting to do this for months,” she whispered as she leaned down and took him in her mouth.

As she swirled her tongue up and down his length, she sucked causing him to catch his breath. “Feels good, mi siempre hermosa,” he groaned out, trying to be quiet because of where they were. “Don’t stop.”

She moved slightly and drew him further into her mouth, her hands stroking where she couldn’t, and he found himself thrusting into her mouth. Moving one hand down to his balls, she gently rolled them and smiled to herself when she heard his hissed intake of breath. “Close, mi siempre hermosa,” he warned. She moaned at his words and increased her efforts, determined to make him come. When he again tried to pull her off, she shook her head no and swirled her tongue up and down the base. With a muffled groan, he came in her mouth and she continued stroking him until she got it all. Standing, she grinned at him and flipped the towel back over before she got oil on her hands again and returned to massaging him.

“You’re a minx, mi siempre hermosa,” he murmured.

“Maybe so, but I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time,” she replied. “You’re the only one I’ve ever considered doing that to and it was as hot as I thought it would be.”

Now face down, he smiled at the satisfied sound of her voice before he reached out a hand and pulled her close. “At least now I can walk through Walmart without a hard-on.”

Giggling, she said, “Tonight’s your late night, right? Or did I get off schedule somehow?”

“It is but our list isn’t long so I thought you could hang out with me and go along to keep me company. We’ll go by and feed the animals when we drop off the groceries.”

“Sounds good to me. I love being with you,” she said. “Okay, you’re all done. I’ll see you out front?”

“No, stay with me, mi siempre hermosa.”

She puttered around the room cleaning up while he got dressed, then grabbed the laundry and her purse before they headed out to the front. As she started a load of laundry, she overheard two names that made her skin crawl. Going back over to Chandra’s station, she said, “What did you say? They’re out?”

“Yeah, they made bail until the court date. The good news is, they cannot come in here at all. The bad news is, they’re out amongst the rest of us.”

Sighing, she went over and put her arm around Zeus’ waist. “I hope we don’t see them around town. I still cannot believe they did that to me and honestly, even though I’ve tried to forgive them, it’s been next to impossible.”

He kissed her head before saying, “You will in time, mi siempre hermosa. Perhaps thinking about it in a different light might help? They didn’t succeed? So, you can forgive because you’re grateful their plan didn’t work?”

She thought about it for a few seconds before she said, “You’re right. Theydidn’tsucceed. And I am grateful for that fact with every breath I take. Not because it would have impacted us, but because their plans went awry.”

“Come on, let’s go grab our stuff so we’re ready if we get any call-outs tonight.”

As they walked through Walmart, she thought about their relationship. Friends first had worked and now that they were living together, their sex life was off the charts hot. He glanced over and saw a blush covering her face and leaned over, asking, “What are you thinking about?”

“Um…just how well we get along in every aspect of our relationship.”

“Mmhmm, not answering me, are you?”