“Sounds wonderful to me. Did Paulie get settled in okay?”
“Si. He and Gray are out looking at places today, but I told them they didn’t have to rush into anything. I have plenty of room so they can always stay there or you can move in with me and they can have your apartment.”
“Move in with you? But…I mean…”
“Mi siempre hermosa, after the other night I don’t want to let you out of my sight,” he told her as he drove off from the hospital. “Now, I know you still have to be careful with what you eat, so do you have anything in mind?”
“I’d love some chicken and dumplings. Does the diner serve them?”
“Mamá can make some, let me call her, si? She’s been chomping at the bit to do something,” he said. Rapid fire Spanish ensued and she laughed because she only caught a few words. “What’s so funny?” he asked once he hung up the phone.
“I will never be able to keep up with y’all when you switch completely to Spanish,” she said, chuckling.
“I will teach you the important words, okay?”
“Important words?”
He grinned at her before saying, “Yes, like more, harder, faster.” His grin spread and he burst out laughing when he saw how she blushed. Reaching his hand over, he grabbed hers and said, “No embarrassment, remember?”
“I’m beginning to think you’re incorrigible,” she replied.
“Only with you, mi siempre hermosa, only with you.”
Pulling into the driveway, he stopped at the garage and helped her out. Ignoring her comment that she could walk up the stairs, he scooped her up and headed up and into the apartment. Sitting her on the couch, he went back down and got the stuff from the backseat and headed back up.
Sitting on the couch, she yawned. “Tired?”
“I shouldn’t be. I mean, I feel like all I’ve done in the past few days is sleep!”
Before he could reply a knock came at the door before María-Luisa stuck her head in saying, “Mija? I have your chicken and dumplings, si?”
“That sounds wonderful, Mamá! Thank you for making them!”
“My pleasure, Mija. Let me get you a plate.”
Sitting in amicable silence eating, she felt his eyes on her. “What?”
“Nothing, mi siempre hermosa. You’re beautiful, did you know that?” he finally asked.
“I guess.”
“There’s nothing to guess, Marleigh. You’re giving, you’re generous, you’re loving.”
Realizing she wasn’t going to win against him, she finally nodded and said, “Thank you.”
“Paulie and Gray should be back soon, do you want to get a shower and I’ll go get Duke?” he asked her.
“That sounds wonderful to me. I feel so grimy,” she told him.
“Then that’s what we’ll do. Meet you out on the porch?”
“Sounds like a plan, handsome,” she replied as she leaned up to give him a kiss.
Showered and in comfy lounge clothes, she let the cats out onto the porch and saw him sitting there on the swing. “Come here, mi siempre hermosa,” he said, patting the seat next to him. She went willingly and curled up in his arms as they watched the animals find their places. “You smell wonderful,” he said as he pulled her closer before kissing her forehead.