“Aw, sweetie, I’m sorry. A real man is more than happy to wait. Well, maybe not happy, but they’ll take matters into their own hands or utilize a cold shower.”
“That’s what Zeus told him.”
“What?Zeustold him?”
“Uh, apparently, María-Luisa or one of the girls called him and he came over and in the middle of Colton’s rant, he said something along those very lines.”
“What happened next?” her aunt asked, totally enthralled in the conversation.
“Then after Colton left he told me he was proud of me for sticking up for myself.”
“I like that man, Mar. I like him a lot for you.”
Marleigh smiled at her aunt before saying, “That’s good, because I more than like him, Aunt Jeanie.”
The chimes over the door had her heading out to the front of the salon to see the other girls coming in. “Coffee and donuts are in the back, y’all,” she told them. “Going to be a rocking day.”
“Hell yeah it is and then tonight? We par-tay!” Chandra replied.
Shaking her head at her friend, she went back to the breakroom to see if her aunt was ready to get started with her facial. No reason why she couldn’t start working, after all.
Straightening up her room in preparation for her last massage, Paulie, she heard a noise at the door. Turning her head, she saw Zeus leaned against the doorjamb watching her, a smile playing on his lips. “Hey, you,” she said softly as she walked over to him.
He pulled her in close and kissed her, before saying, “Who all is left?”
“Just Paulie, then Chandra is going to do my hair and your aunt is doing my nails so I’ll be ready for tonight,” she replied.
“Mmhmm,” he said. “So you ladies are going to get all dolled up and go out without your men, huh?”
She started giggling at the tone he was using. “Yep, but rumor has it that Pete better be prepared and I suspect my uncle should be as well.”
Raising his eyebrow, he said, “And…what about me?”
“Well…I honestly don’t know how to answer that one.”
“Why not?”
“Because I usually don’t drink too much.”
“Ah, so it could either be a night of you feeling frisky or one where I hold your hair back?” he asked, teasingly.
She burst into laughter at his statement and the visual that she got. “Hmm, well, I think I’d prefer the first over the second, but then again, you’ve seen me all puke-y before so that wouldn’t be a surprise. The other? It might be.”
“Mi siempre hermosa, either way, I will be there for you,” he growled in her ear before he came fully into the room and closed the door, leaning against it and pulling her into his arms. “I wantyouno matter how you come to me – happy, angry, sad, frisky, sick,” he told her, punctuating each word with a kiss. “Now, will y’all be dancing tonight?”
“Probably, I don’t really know. Chandra said we’re going to a place called Hollywoods.”
“They’ve got a dance floor. We may end up there, mi siempre hermosa, because I want to dance with you.”
The thought of being close to him on the dance floor had her closing her eyes. “I don’t think that will be a problem, Zeus.”
“Good, because Paulie and Gray were going with you girls anyhow,” he said as he kissed her again, ignoring the knock that was on the door.
“C’mon, man, it’s my turn,” Paulie said from the other side of the door. “You’ll see her later.”
She pulled back and said, “Guess my break’s over, huh?”