Page 34 of His Forever

“What? You’ve got a man in your life? Tell me more.”

“Oh, he’s the owner and operator of the towing company that rescued me the night I broke down. His mother owns the local salon and had need of a massage therapist. He’s got a hound dog and Daddy, he found a kitten and brought her to me!”

Paulie finally chimed in and said, “He’s really good to her, Uncle George. We both like him a great deal.”

“Coming from you two, that’s high praise since I know how protective of her you are!”

She laughed at the antics of the three men – it was no secret that they all looked out for her and cheered her on when she wouldn’t conform to what her mother thought she would be.

“Uncle George? She’s not feeling one hundred percent today, what’s the mood like?”

“Eh, same as always. We’ll keep it to a dull roar and hopefully get all of you out of here skin intact. Speaking of, your mom’s in the kitchen Paulie and I’m sure she’d love to see you and Gray.”

They headed toward the kitchen, leaving her and her dad alone. “What’s going on, Princess?” he asked her.

“Just bad cramps this month, Daddy. It’ll pass. Paulie and Gray and Zeus have taken good care of me,” she told him.

“I can’t wait to meet this young man of yours.”

“I think you’ll really like him. I know I do. Nothing like Colton, Daddy. He has been there for so much already and I can’t believe the difference!”

“You deserve someone like that, Marleigh. Never sell yourself short.”

Hearing her mother’s voice, she once again steeled herself and then turned, saying, “Hello, Mother.”

“Hello, dear. I saw Paulie and his friend going into the kitchen so knew you had to be close by.”

“Yes, we just got here. Is everyone else here yet?”

“No, we’re waiting on your brother.”

“Ah, late again, huh?”

“You know he has important cases, I’m sure he got caught up with one of those.”

More like he got caught up with his latest flavorshe thought but wisely said nothing.

“Marleigh? You’re dressed rather casually today, aren’t you?”

She glanced down at her summer outfit of capris and a silky tank top. “Not really, Mother. I dress for comfort as you well know.”

“I am well-aware, dear, but would have hoped you would dress up a bit more for lunch with the family.”

She caught herself before she rolled her eyes and said, “Mother, it shouldn’t matter what I wear or don’t wear. That pretentious crap isn’t me and you should know it by now.”

Done dealing with her mother, she headed into the kitchen to see her aunt and uncle. “Aunt Jeanie! Uncle Sam!” she cried as she went first to one and then the other for a hug and kiss. “How have you been?”

“Oh sweetie, we’ve been fantastic. Miss you around here but from what Paulie and Gray have said, you’re settling in nicely.”

“I just wish they lived closer to me. I miss seeing them all the time.”

Paulie spoke up saying, “Well, about that chica, we’ve been doing some thinking and want to expand. How would you feel about us setting up shop in Colbyville?”

She looked at her cousin with her mouth hanging open. “Really? Oh my goodness, I wouldloveit if you moved there! I mean, it’s a small town and all, but goodness, there are a lot of opportunities for y’all, that’s for sure!”

“Well, Gray has been looking for locations and we are going to stay again tonight if that’s okay and meet with the real estate agent tomorrow.”

“Of course, it’s all right! You don’t have to ask me twice.”