“She still coming in for her facials and stuff?”
“Yeah but it hasn’t gotten uncomfortable so I’ll keep her on right now.”
“Well good. Just watch your back. She can be a nasty piece of work.”
“So I’ve heard. Hey, do you know who scheduled that massage for me?”
“Hmm, not really sure, to be honest. Why?”
“Oh, I just don’t recognize the name is all.”
“Well, let’s have a booming day as Mamá would say!”
“Yeah, talk later. If y’all order out, let me know, okay?”
As she worked on her first client, who was new to facials and the whole process, she spent the time teaching her how to take care of her skin. This was the part of the job she loved, when someone came in and genuinely wanted to learn. She was even happier that the client bought the product line and set up a follow-up appointment for the microdermabrasion.
After washing her hands, she went into the massage room which was darker than she usually worked. As she went to turn the lights up slightly, she thought she recognized the cologne but shook her head at her imaginings. Turning to face her client, she saw Colton lying on the massage table, a smirk on his face. “Well, hello, darling, did I surprise you?”
“What in the hell are you doing here?” she demanded.
“Just thought I would see how you were getting on since you left me at the altar,” he sneered.
She threw his clothes at him and said, “You can get your ass dressed. I am not giving you a massage. I will be outside if you want to talk further.”
Leaving the room, she slammed the door, frustration and anger making her see red. María-Luisa, sitting at the reception area, looked up in surprise. Even though it was a small-town salon, for the most part they all worked well together, with a lot of joking and laughter and she thought of each of the girls as “hers”. She cautiously asked, “You okay, Mija?”
“No, not really. My client will need a refund, please Mamá. I will not give a massage to that man.”
“Did he do something? Do I need to call the police?”
“No, no, nothing like that Mamá. It is my ex-fiancé and I will not work on him, but I guess it’s time to talk.”May as well.I’ve put it off for over three months now.
Walking into the breakroom, she took several focused breaths to calm herself before she sat at the table facing the door. When Colton walked in, she handed him his money and said, “Here’s your money back. Now, get thefuckout of here. We are done. D-O-N-E. Done. You mean nothing to me.”
“Hey now, you can’t be serious! I mean, a man has needs and with your prissy attitude, what else was I supposed to do?”
“How aboutwaitlike you promised me you were willing to do?” she asked him.
“Like I said, a man has needs and…”
Zeus, coming in behind him, interrupted him and said, “Arealman shows the woman he loves that he respects her by waiting if that is what she wants. He doesnotseek his pleasure elsewhere and risk breaking that woman’s heart like you did.”
“Who in the ever-loving-hell areyou?” Colton asked.
“Who he is doesn’t pertain to this discussion, Colton. The bottom line is you fucked me over, destroyed anything Imighthave felt for you and decimated a lifetime friendship! I don’t owe you anything and would appreciate it if you would fuck off and leave,” Marleigh replied.
Zeus stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, pride in how she was standing up for herself warring with the desire to pound the cheating jackass into the ground. Then again, he also wanted to thank him because his actions had brought her to Colbyville and him. Shaking his head in disgust at the other man’s perpetual whiny voice that continued to cajole and then belittle Marleigh, he finally said, “Enough! She asked you to leave. No one in this establishment will perform any service on you so you arenotwelcome. Now leave before we call the police.”
Still grumbling, Colton snatched up his money and left the salon. Once he was out the door, she slumped in her chair as the shakes tried to take over.
“Mi siempre hermosa, I am so proud of you,” Zeus told her as he came to gather her into his arms.
“Wh-why?” she stammered out.
“Because you held it together while he was here. You let him know exactly how things stoodandyou looked magnificent doing it,” he said whispering the last in her ear.