“No, the bottle is fine.”
“Same here. No sense dirtying up dishes when not necessary, right?”
“Right,” he said as he opened the door for her to proceed him.
Settling on the swing, she was aware of how close they were to one another and her heart rate sped up. “Turn around, mi siempre hermosa.”
“So I can brush your hair,” he told her, taking the brush from her hands. She turned around so her back was to his front, conscious of his nearness. Leaning her head down, she sighed as he gently gathered her hair toward her back and began brushing out the tangles. She nearly groaned out loud when his hands began massaging her scalp and she let her head drop further, enjoying the feel of his fingers as they worked through the tangles while massaging.
“That…that feels wonderful,” she said on a sigh.
He closed his eyes, grateful she couldn’t see what having his hands on her was doing to him. He felt like a teenager and kept sayingCalm downto his body. But it wasn’t working. Her sighs of contentment as he performed such a simple task had his heart racing and his mind wanting things it had to wait to get. Working down her neck, he could see how tense her shoulders were and when she moaned in pain at his first touch, he stopped. “You okay, Marleigh?” he asked, leaning in to whisper in her ear, which caused a delicious shiver to run through her.
“Yeah, guess it’s all the moving and driving and working catching up to me,” she replied. “I’m going to have to see if there’s another massage therapist in town willing to trade off with me.”
I’d give you a massage,but I’m not sure either of us are ready for that yet!
“Let me see what I can do, okay?” he asked.
Lost in how good his hands felt just rubbing her shoulders, she merely nodded, content to let him work the knots out of her neck and shoulders. When he hit one of the trigger points, she said, “There. If you’ll press in there, it will help release the muscles, Zeus. Thank you.”
He pressed in further, watching how her body reacted to make sure it wasn’t too much. “You’ll tell me if it’s too much?”
“Yes. And it’s not too much, trust me. You’re busting up a huge knot right now and I cannot thank you enough for that, believe me.”
He continued to massage until the knots released and smiled when she tilted her head back toward him smiling to say, “Thank you. If no one has ever told you, you’ve got magic hands.” He leaned down and kissed her nose and picked up the brush so he could continue brushing her hair.
Pampered. He is pampering me in a way I’ve never had. “Zeus? I know I keep thanking you, but it’s the truth. I’ve never felt more pampered than I do right now.”
“You should be pampered, mi siempre hermosa, and often,” he told her. “Would you like me to braid your hair?”
She turned back and looked at him in astonishment. “You…you know how to braid hair?”
Laughing, he said, “Of course. I have many sisters and nieces. It was almost a requirement to grow up in Mamá’s house that we learn how to braid hair.”
“I don’t have a scrunchy or ponytail holder though,” she told him.
“No worries. Let me show you what I can do,” he replied, already working plaits into her hair. Once done, he worked the ends through one another so the braid would stay put.
Finally done, he pulled her back against him and his arms encircled her waist. “Mi siempre hermosa? I don’t want to rush this at all. If you’re not comfortable, please let me know, okay?”
Relaxing in his arms, her first thought wasI’m home. “I will, Zeus. And I have no clue what is at play here, but I’m good, I promise.”
They sat there swinging in companionable silence, occasionally drinking their respective beverages. As she relaxed further in his arms, he had that feeling once again that she was his forever.Too soon.Take it nice and slow.
She woke with a start and realized that she was cocooned in his arms, on the swing. From his even breathing, she knew he also slept and she marveled at howeasyit seemed to be between them. She knew that there was more for them to learn about one another and yet, she had never felt closer to anyone, even her best friend, in such a short amount of time. “Zeus?” she asked in a whisper. “I…we…um, we fell asleep.”
His arms tightened around her before he said, “Si, mi siempre hermosa, and I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you how much I enjoy you in my arms, however, I think we each need to seek our own beds for the rest of the night.”
Slowly pulling away from him, she missed the strength of his arms, but knew he was right. As she went to stand up, he was there, gently helping her and then, grabbing their empty bottles, walking her to her door. “Good night, mi siempre hermosa. Sweet dreams,” he said as he bent down to kiss her. “Make sure you lock up.”
“Yes, yes I will,” she said, lost in a kiss-induced haze. He waited for her to enter her house and until the door locked before he made his way down the stairs and over the pathway to his own home.
Entering, he was not surprised to see Duke asleep on the couch. “Hey boy, sorry I was gone all night. That wasn’t my intention,” he told the hound who came over to be petted. “She’s something else, Duke. Wait until you meet her.” The dog wagged his tail, happy that his master was home and talking to him. He followed him into the bedroom where Zeus undressed and climbed into bed. Satisfied that his master was in for the night, he went over to his bed and after turning around three times, he collapsed in a snoring heap, causing Zeus to chuckle.