“Marleigh? Look at me please,” he asked, leaning across the table toward her. “That ended long ago, well before the ink was dry on the divorce papers quite honestly. We married right out of high school and were young and dumb kids. She decided that having a mechanic for a husband wasn’t doing anything for her social status and she chose to step outside of our marriage. She eventually ran off with one of them and I was served shortly afterward. She ceased being important to me long ago.”
She took in what he said and breathed a sigh of relief. “You didn’t have to tell me, Zeus, it wasn’t my business, but thank you.”
“Marleigh,youare important to me. I know it’s early days. I know we need to get to know one another better. But I enjoy being with you and am attracted to you in a way that I’ve never experienced before.”
He could see how his words were affecting her, the wonder that crossed her face and caused the doubt to disappear. He gave her hand another squeeze before he started eating his roll.
Over dinner, he regaled her with stories of his parents, and how his mom was a good-natured busybody who claimed to have “the sight” when it came to matters of the heart. Some of the stories had Marleigh giggling and he was glad that he could take a little of the stress away that she had been living under.
“So, have you answered your phone yet?”
“Uh, not really. I answered long enough to say I wasn’t talking to either of them since she’s been blowing up my phone too, but other than that? Nope. Don’t really care to, but I know I’ll have to at some point, you know?”
“Well, if you want me there when it happens, just say the word, okay? I’ll be there for you, mi siempre hermosa.”
“Thanks Zeus. It would probably be safer if you were there and not Paulie and Gray,” she told him.
“I didn’t say I wouldn’t punch him in the nose for what he did but part of me wants to thank him.”
“Thank him? Why?”
“Because his actions brought you here and I see good things happening.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Maybe I should let your mom be there.”
“She has a cast iron skillet. Just saying.”
“Oh for heaven’s sake! Y’all are a bit crazy, aren’t you?”
“Maybe. But then again, I don’t like seeing a pretty girl crying over a guy who did her wrong, mi siempre hermosa.”
Shit, what can I possibly say to that. Saying nothing, she smiled at him before asking, “How did you end up owning your business?”
“Well, I know I told you that my papá owned it before I did, so during the summer and on breaks, I would work with him and when I realized how much I enjoyed it, I took the technical program and got certified, then went to night school and got my business degree so I could handle that aspect of things. He hated paperwork and was thrilled when I took that over.”
“He sounds like an amazing man, Zeus,” she told him.
“Well, hey there Zeus!” a female voice cried out.
Turning, she saw Suri coming toward their table, all smiles for the man across from her.
“Hello, Suri. I heard you were back in town. Visiting?”
“Uh, no, moving back. I missed Colbyville and all it had to offer,” she said, practically purring.
“You’ve met Marleigh Cross, haven’t you? She works at Mamá’s salon as the massage therapist and facialist.”
He looked at Suri and said, “What?”
“The word is esthetician, not facialist.”
Marleigh cringed inside, hearing the tone the woman was using toward Zeus. If that was what he lived with, it was no wonder he didn’t love the woman any longer! Keeping her face neutral, she looked at Suri and said, “A lot of people don’t know the term so he could have said skincare chick and it would have been okay with me. How are you this evening?”
Wow she put her in her place and didn’t raise a hand. He had seen the slight sneer on Suri’s face when she looked at the two of them, seeing them in work clothes. He personally thought Marleigh looked adorable with her hair pulled back in a ponytail and wisps falling to curl around her face. Any make-up she had on had long ago disappeared, yet she was fresh-faced and appealing in a way that no other woman had ever been to him.
“Well, I won’t keep you two from your dinner, just wanted to stop and say hello, Zeus. I’ll see you on Friday, right Marleigh?” Suri asked after observing the two in front of her for a few minutes.