Also, the fact that I’m pregnant.

He told me he wasn’t going to touch me when I had another man’s baby inside of me. He told me that once he got rid of it, then I can have his baby and as many babies as he wants to give me.

I can’t help but shudder at the thought.

I hear footsteps and voices, but I can’t make out what they are saying. It sounds like there are more than two people talking. Who else could be up there?

There is a shout and then tugging on the door, but it’s not opening. It’s locked, and by the tugging, I have to guess it’s not Helen or her brother.

I sure hope it’s someone here to rescue me, and not another crazy asshole.

It takes a few minutes before I hear the lock being clipped, and then the brightness of the sun is filling my vision.

A lot of people come running down the stairs, guns in the air, and it takes a second to realise that it’s police officers.

I sigh in relief at the sight of them.

“We found her!” a voice shouts.

“Get these chains off of her,” one of them says, and they bring down something to cut the chains off. I cry in relief once they are off.

“Let’s get you out of here,” another policeman says to me, and they help me walk up the stairs since my legs are so weak from lack of use and my belly is so much bigger.

I squint from the sun in my eyes, and look around to see dozens of cop cars and an ambulance.

I’m walked over to the ambulance and checked to make sure I don’t need immediate medical attention before we are on our way to the hospital.

I answer whatever questions they ask while they take my vitals, and I can’t stop crying from being saved.

There was little hope in the end. I don’t know how long I was down there, but it feels like it has been months.

It’s a long time before we pull up to the hospital and I’m wheeled in to be checked over.

I’m finally free.


Everyone is in our living room waiting to be updated on Holly.

Helen and her brother were arrested and taken in for questioning. So far, we hadn’t heard anything about it, but the fact that they hadn’t been released yet says a lot.

I’m going to make sure my woman knows that there is no doubt in my mind how much I care and love her. She didn’t do anything to break my trust, and I need to show her how sorry I am.

My phone rings and I look to see the officer on our case calling. My hand shakes as I answer.

“Yeah?” I ask, not bothering to say hello.

“We found her,” he says, and I don’t hear anything after that.

They found her. I can’t believe it.

“Hello? You there?” I hear him ask loudly.

“Yeah sorry, continue,” I rasp.

“She’s at Mercy hospital. They are running tests on her to make sure that she and the babies are okay,” he says. I hang up and head over to grab my shoes and jacket while I shout, “They found her, she’s at the hospital!”

Everyone follows me. We take up the entire waiting room while we are there.