I shrug. “They are as good as you expect them to be. Living with Holly has been pretty great. I was worried for a minute there that she wouldn’t give us another chance.”
“She’s not Helen, and you guys need to remember that. I can tell you now that not one of us liked Helen, but we didn’t say anything for your sake. Holly is different, and not just because she’s my woman’s best friend. They have a kind of friendship that I know nothing can come in between, and I’ve seen Holly do anything and everything she can for the people she cares about. Kyla has told us lots of stuff about them growing up. You don’t want to let that one go,” Grayson says, giving me the most serious expression I have ever seen on his face.
I nod my head in agreement.
Holly is an amazing woman, and we would be stupid to let her go.
I know she’s not Helen, but sometimes it’s hard wondering if she’s going to hurt us or use us. I can’t stop the lingering doubts from being hurt in the past.
How do you begin to trust someone new?
I glance over at Holly and she looks to be in an intense conversation with Kyla, so I don’t want to interrupt them.
“I don’t want to do anything to mess up what we have. We are just taking it day by day right now. I know we screwed up before, but we won’t make that mistake again,” I tell Grayson, and repeat the words to myself in my head over and over.
Me and Kyla immediately move off to the side to talk. Our men drop us off drinks and leave right after. They must know we need this girl talk.
“How are you really? Don’t bullshit me,” Kyla says sternly.
I shrug. “I’m alright. Tired, sore, and things are going right with the guys right now. I still feel like I am walking on eggshells around them, you know? They compared me to Helen once and I can’t help but wonder if they would do that again. It’s obvious they were affected by what she did to them; that just doesn’t go away.”
“You are a thousand times better than Helen ever was. She was after their money and the life they could provide, but you are there for their hearts. They will see that one day. I think we all know how long the past can haunt us,” she says with a sad smile.
“Are things good now with your men after everything?” I ask, trying to change the subject from my relationship.
“They are definitely better. I will never forget the hurtful things that were said, but I can move on from it. I know they are trying. Every day, they show me how much they love me and want me in their life. We will get through it,” she says smiling softly.
I learned from watching her what a real relationship is like. She and her men have love for each other, but that doesn’t mean they always have to get along. They all make it work and show each other how they feel.
I know from spending time with Dylan and Braxton the other morning, and then Easton later on, that we can make it work. It won’t be the four of us all the time. We each have individual relationships with each other too.
“Plus, this taking-it-slow thing is killing me. I need more than a couple fingers. I’m going crazy,” I tell my friend honestly, and she chokes on her drink and starts laughing hysterically.
“That must be the pregnancy hormones,” she says through laughter.
“Well, whatever it is, I need to do something about it. I’m always seconds away from jumping them and taking them wherever we are,” I grumble.
Kyla looks over my shoulder, and I drop my head because I know who is exactly behind me.
When I turn my head, I see Easton standing there with a shit eating grin on his face.
“I didn’t realise that we were leaving you so unsatisfied,” he says with a smirk.
“Well now you know,” I say with my own smirk while raising an eyebrow at him.
“I think we will need to make sure you are thoroughly satisfied after supper,” he says with a wink before taking off back into the house.
“Oh, you are going to get it,” Kyla says with a knowing grin.
“I sure fucking hope so,” I say, causing her to lose it in laughter again.
I’m ready to burst by the time we walk in the door to the penthouse. Easton had told me what he had overheard Holly say. I know that she had originally said that she wanted to move slow, but I wonder if we were missing all the signs that she wanted more.
Holly giggles as Braxton carries her bridal style into the bedroom.