The three of them shake their heads in amusement when Ethan comes into the room.
“What’s so funny?” he asks, taking in me and Kyla laughing.
“Cock,” Kyla says. I point at her, and laugh when it comes out high pitched and squeaky.
The both of us lose it. I would have fallen out of my chair if Levi hadn’t had caught me.
“Easy there,” he says with a chuckle of his own.
It takes a few more minutes for me and Kyla to settle down. When we do, she asks again how my talk went. I tell all of them since her men sit down and listen in. I don’t mind though. Maybe they will have some pointers on how to handle three men.
“Are you sure you want to give them even the smallest chance?” Kyla asks.
“I’m not a hundred percent, but a small part of me wants to. I know that if I don’t, I’m going to spend the rest of my life wondering,” I tell her honestly.
“Then you should. Any relationship isn’t easy. They all have their obstacles, but it’s up to the people in it to make it work. You guys will make it work. I can see it in your eyes that you want it to work. I hope that it does,” Kyla says smiling.
“They must be taking you seriously because Dylan said he wanted you to move in with them when I last saw them. They want to get to know you, and be there for the babies,” Ethan says.
“Yeah, I’m not ready to move in. It’s going to be a snail’s pace slow,” I say with my eyes wide from the fact they were going to ask me to move in. Thankfully, they didn’t. I would have surprised them with how fast I would have run out of there.
“You’ve got time. There is more to them than they let people see,” Levi says.
“Hopefully this won’t be a choice I regret making,” I say quietly.
“We are here for you if you ever need any of us,” Asher says with a smile.
I nod my head. My best friend definitely found good men.
Everything has to work out.
It has to.
Watching Holly walk out our door after lunch is one of the hardest things I have ever done.
I wanted to drag her back in here and never let her out.
Dylan was set on asking her to live with us until she had brought up going slow.
We need to build a foundation for our relationship.
Maybe starting fresh will be a good thing.
We can’t risk messing it up this time.
My phone goes off. I look down to see a call from Helen, but I hit “ignore.” That woman does not know when to give up.
She needs to realise that we want nothing to do with her. Especially after all the shit that she pulled. She’s the reason we almost lost Holly. There is no way we would risk that again. That woman is all kinds of crazy. How did we not see it before?
“What are we going to do?” Braxton asks, breaking the silence.
“We can think of ideas for the nursery. If we make this work, then Holly and the babies will be living here eventually. We want to be prepared. This will show her that we are serious,” Dylan says before pulling out his laptop.
I get up and leave to let Dylan do his thing.
My phone goes off again, and I check to see it’s Helen again.