If I would have known, would I have changed anything?
Would I repeat the mess I had gotten myself into?
I would like to say no, but then I wouldn’t have the two little lives growing inside of me.
There is no way I could regret them.
Chapter Eight
Three weeks later…
I spent a few days at my brother’s house. When I finally made it back to my apartment, I expected the men to be there. Thankfully, they weren’t. I still wasn’t ready to see them, but I needed to get my stuff for work.
There was only so much wallowing I could do. I really need to set myself up with a little nest egg.
I also had to think about how a co-parent situation was going to be with three dads.
It took me three weeks to put on my brave face and talk to them. I needed to. I couldn’t continue on without talking to them.
I let out a sigh before heading into their building where the doorman lets me up without me saying much. He must remember me, or they have me on some sort of list. All I told him was my name and I was let up to their penthouse.
When the doors open, I half expect to see Helen there like she was the other time I came over uninvited. The doors open instead to reveal three men looking at me with regret in their eyes.
“We’re sorry,” Dylan says, but I put a hand up to stop him.
“I came here to talk about the babies. Not us. I am not going to keep you guys from the babies,” I say while walking over to the couch and sitting down.
“What do you mean, not us?” Easton asks, sitting down.
I shrug and look down at my hands in my lap. “Well, we can parent without being in a relationship. Many people do it, and there is nothing wrong with that.”
“We want you. We want a relationship with you,” Dylan says.
When I look up at him, his eyes are looking so hopeful.
I shake my head. “I’m not sure that I can give you that after everything that happened. If you guys can’t trust me, then we are already doomed from the start
We’ve got things we need to work on, but that doesn’t mean we need to give up on a relationship with you. We aren’t going to let you go without a fight. You had your space, but you have to know that we aren’t giving up,” Easton says with a finality to his tone.
I don’t say anything. Instead, I let out a sigh.
Braxton sits on the other side of me and grabs my hand. “We can start fresh. Rebuild what we broke. Let us get to know you. We have a few months until the baby is here. Let’s go on dates, and we can show you the men we are outside of work.”
I may regret this.
“Okay. We go slow. I’m talking chaste kissing outside my door kind of slow. I’m not jumping in with both feet. I’m putting a toe in the water. I can’t just forget the way you guys acted. I know it won’t be easy to forgive.”
“We can go as slow as you need,” Dylan says, nodding.
“Stay for lunch. We were just about to cook. We can talk about the babies over lunch,” Easton says before standing up.
“Lunch sounds good,” I say, and follow them into the kitchen.
They took out the ingredients for homemade burgers and fries. My mouth is already watering imagining how they are going to taste.
“Can I help with anything?” I ask while going to wash my hands.