These last few months have really tested us and, in a way, I’m glad that they did. I feel like we are more open and honest with each other than ever before.

After Kyla came home, and we finally got intimate with each other again, Kyla had decided it was finally time to call Holly and her parents and tell them everything that had happened. It will take a while to get back in their good graces too.

Everything is meant to happen for a reason.

There was something we have never done before, and I had just picked up what we needed from the jeweler.

We had Dylan make us a special supper. He was going to set everything up before leaving. He didn’t want Kyla to see him.

Asher had gotten some wine for the special occasion.

Levi has been pacing the room for the last thirty minutes.

Ethan was as relaxed as I had ever seen him, grinning widely as he adjusts his tie.

“How can you be so calm on a night like tonight?” I ask annoyed.

“We are asking the woman we love to marry us. We had to get her parents’ approval and, after a lot of hoop jumping, they gave it to us. Holly was actually excited when we told her. I think that everything is going to be perfect.

“What if she says no?” Levi asks, panicked.

“She won’t say no. She loves us just as much. There is no reason to be nervous. Now hurry up, she’s going to be home any minute,” Ethan says leaving the room with a wink.

“He’s annoyingly happy,” I groan rubbing my face with my hand.

“Yes, but that’s what we love about him. Let’s go,” Levi says grabbing my arm and kissing me on the cheek.

Asher is making sure that the table is set, and that the dimming lights were at the perfect setting. There are flowers all over the place; it really looks like something special.

I hear the door open. All four of us stand side by side as we hear her footsteps come down the hall.

“Why’s it so dark in here?” Kyla asks walking into the dining room.

As soon as she sees us and the room, she looks around and gasps. Tears well in her eyes.

“I can’t believe all of you did this. It’s beautiful,” she whispers.

Just like we had planned, we all get down on one knee.

“What… Oh my…” she says at a loss for words.

“Kyla, It has been one heck of a journey for us to get here,” Ethan says grinning.

“That doesn’t make it any less special,” Asher says after him.

“We love you more than anything in the world,” I say.

“Would you do the honours of marrying us; becoming our wife?” Levi finishes.

“Not to rain on your wonderful proposal, but five people can’t get married,” she states looking at all of us in confusion.

“We want to have a commitment ceremony. In the eyes of the law, we cannot technically be married, but that doesn’t mean anything to us. We want you to be our wife. We can work it out legally in whatever way you want to, but that doesn’t matter right now. Calling you ours is what matters,” Levi says.

Kyla doesn’t say anything for a moment. She looks at each one of us before nodding her head. Tears are streaming down her face, and she finally says out loud,“Yes, of course I will marry you all.”

We all breathe a sigh of relief as she rushes to us and tries to gather all of us in her arms.

“I will love you all for the rest of my life. I can’t believe my heart chose the four of you to love. I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she says, and kisses each of us hard on the mouth.