I can feel that everyone is beginning to heal and move on from everything.

My parents and Holly ask about Logan and his family. I tell them everything they need to know, and include that my men had hired help for him. They seem to relax when they hear that.

I smile as Levi and my dad talk about goodness only knows what. They seem to be deep in conversation.

My mom has been laughing with Grayson and Ethan for the last twenty minutes.

I tune them out when I see Holly get up and run to the washroom. When I turn to Asher, he nods his head in her direction and I smile thankfully at him.

I knock on the door lightly and hear puking on the other side.

“Honey, it’s me,” I say softly.

“It’s open,” Holly rasps.

“Are you okay? Are you getting sick?” I ask softly.

“I have been feeling like crap for the last couple days. I’ll be fine,” she says, but she doesn’t look at me.

“What aren’t you telling me?” I ask not taking my eyes off of her.

“I messed up, so bad,” Holly finally admits after some silence.

“You can tell me anything,” I say sitting down beside her and rubbing her back.

Tears fall from her eyes.

“I slept with my bosses,” she croaks out.

“Were they mean about it? Is that why you are sad?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “No, it was probably the hottest night of my life. It’s what happened after.”

“What happened?” I ask wiping her tears.

“They took Helen back the next day, and now I might be pregnant,” she sobs out.

“How could they take her back? Didn’t she cheat on them?” My voice breaks seeing my best friend so heartbroken.

Holly nods her head. “Yeah, she did, but she’s walking about the bar with a noticeable baby bump, so I’m guessing she is knocked up. I don’t know how to tell them that I’m pregnant if that’s what my sickness is.”

“I will be there for you every step of the way; no matter what happens, and no matter what you decide to do,” I tell her firmly.

“Thanks. This definitely won’t be easy,” Holly says with a nod as her sobs slow down.

“Whatever happens, it’s going to be a bumpy ride,” I say.

I only hope that my best friend can have her happily ever after just like I did.

Relationships, after all, aren’t easy.



Three months later…

I feel like I can finally breathe now that we have Kyla with us again. Slowly, our relationship is getting better and stronger.