We try not to work on weekends if we can help it, so I want to make sure I can devote my time to my men when I head home.
I save everything I’m working on and close out my programs. I have just shut off my computer when I hear a light knock on my open door. I look up startled and see Kyla standing there looking tired as ever.
“Kyla, what are you still doing here? It’s past ten,” I say in shock. I thought I was alone in the office.
“Well, I wanted to make sure everything is going okay. When I had seen you busy at work, I went to grab something to eat and dropped it off on your desk; but you must not have realised that it was me, so I decided to wait until you were back into the land of the living in case you needed anything,” she says in the sweetest, most tired voice I have ever heard.
“You didn’t have to do that. I could have made sure everything was turned off when I left,” I say looking around and noticing the empty take-out container I had eaten out of. I honestly didn’t realise that she was the one who had dropped it off, but I ate it so that must count for something.
I look at my phone and see that I have texts from the guys asking when I was going to be home and reminding me that it was getting late. I reply that I was just finishing up and wouldn’t be too much longer.
“It’s no problem, Grayson. I’ll be headed out now. See you on Monday,” she says turning around.
I can’t help myself but to follow her. “Wait, let me give you a ride home. I would hate it if anything happened to you this late with you walking home alone.”
“So, if it was in the daylight, that would be okay?” she asks biting her lip to hold back a smile. It takes me longer than I care to admit to realise that she is joking.
“Sorry, I wouldn’t want you hurt at all. I mean who else would spill my coffee, or feed me food for supper without me even noticing them?” I ask with a smirk while grabbing my jacket and slipping it on.
She lets out a small laugh. The sound of her laugh is music to my ears. “It’s okay, my dad is coming. He was worried why I was here late,” she says, and I nod my head trying to hide my disappointment that I wouldn’t be the one to take her home.
“Sorry, I heard you earlier with Jenny. I don’t want your parents to think we are working you too hard,” I say with a smile.
She smiles back at me softly, and the look causes my heart to beat faster.
“No, it’s okay. As I’m sure you heard, my family just worries about me. Once my dad sees that I’m fine, everything will be okay,” she says to reassure me.
I decide to walk her down to the doors since I’m headed down anyway. If I’m any longer, the guys will bust my ass tonight.
Her father is waiting at the front doors for her, and I see the look of worry on his face.
“Dad, I’m fine. Trust me, I feel fine,” she says trying to mask her irritation.
I can’t help but wonder why her parents worry so much. I know parents worry about their kids, but this seems like much more than that. Her dad instantly relaxes when he sees with his own eyes that she’s okay.
I make a note to myself to ask her why her parents worry so much when I get to know her better. I have a feeling about her. She’s the one; I just know it. We just need Levi to come around.
“See you Monday, Kyla. Get some rest,” I say with a small wave to her father as I leave.
She smiles at me again in a way that has my heart racing.
I think about her the whole way home.
We had a house built when we first came into money to have something to show for our accomplishments, and in consideration for any future children we would have.
The master bedroom might as well be half of the house. It’s huge and has a custom bed big enough for all of us plus maybe one more. I think to myself with a smile.
There was no way we were having separate rooms, or even couples to a room, because that felt like we were dividing up our relationship. So, we had the house built from the ground up.
The living room has two big screen TVs in it for when we want to play video games against one another. We have four huge recliners facing them. We played with the idea of getting a couch, but seeing as we each wanted a recliner, a couch seemed unnecessary.
The kitchen was built the way that Ethan and Levi loved it. They were the ones that really knew how to cook. Before Asher and I met them, we really just ate take-out and ramen noodles. We never turn down a home-made meal when they are cooking.
The house was dark when I walked in, and I knew they would already be in the bedroom. The question was would they be up to getting dirty or would they be asleep?
I set the alarm before I make my way to our room. Opening the door, I see all three of them in bed. The blankets were pulled up to their waists, but I knew they were naked underneath. Ethan and Levi were already asleep and looking like they had been well and thoroughly satisfied before falling asleep. Asher was looking up at the door when I walked in, and he had his phone in his hand. He moves to plug it into his charger before settling back in bed like he had been waiting for me.
I knew he had been waiting for me. Asher never fell asleep until we were all home. I knew he would never settle unless the people he cares about were all in seeing distance. That was something that had gotten worse since Bethany died. He couldn’t sleep until the four of us were beside him, which was one of the reasons why we always travelled together.