I wish I could feel so sure, but I fear that nothing is going to work out, and we are going to be broken; impossible to repair.
When the sky is dark, and Levi still hasn’t come home, I call him. I feel relieved when I hear his voice.
It’s only minutes later when he comes walking into the bedroom where Asher and I are. Asher and I had a shower and pretty much laid in bed holding each other until I looked at the time and realised that it had been hours since Levi left.
He looks completely terrible. The devastation and guilt is heavy in his eyes.
“I fucked up,” he chokes out.
The strongest man I know falls apart before our eyes as sobs wrack his body.
He falls to his knees by the time Asher and I run to him.
“I thought that my heart could never hurt as much as it did when we lost Bethany, but this feels ten times worse. It’s like I can feel it shattering piece by piece, and I have no one but myself to blame.” The pain in his voice is obvious and I wish there was someway I could fix it. I don’t like to see any of my partners in pain.
“We can fix this,” Asher whispers.
“How?” Levi says brokenly.
“We get Grayson home and then we find where Kyla went,” I say.
Levi nods, but he doesn’t look very hopeful.
Asher and I take off his clothes down to his boxers and get him into bed.
I don’t think any of us really slept because all of us are lost in our thoughts.
We have to let Kyla know just how sorry we are.
Grayson is right, we never gave her a chance to talk. We had just let shock take over and said things we didn’t really mean.
I would give anything to take it all back.
Now, I could only hope that Kyla takes us back and that, somehow, this makes us grow stronger.
I can’t imagine the rest of our days without her in it.
Chapter Twenty-Four
After two days, we finally head over to the hotel where Grayson has been staying at. I hate to think of him alone. We never have really been apart since we all started this relationship. This is definitely new territory for us.
When he opens the door, he looks worse than I have ever seen him.
There are bags under his eyes revealing that he never slept.
“Hi,” he rasps out, and then clears his throat.
I wrap my arms around him, and he lets out a shuddering breath.
Ethan and Levi wrap their arms around us.
I don’t know how long we hold each other, but no one wants to be the first to pull away.
“We need to talk,” Levi says roughly.