The only person who had seemed to treat me normally was Holly. She was my best friend and spent the last five years with me, so she knew that I didn’t want to be treated like I was made of glass.

It was only a matter of time before I broke and freaked out on them. The hardest part was that I knew their hearts were in the right place.

I heard them talking on the phone and doing meetings in their offices.

Holly showed up from the elevator and I practically ran to her with excitement.

“Wow, If I had known you missed me that much, I would have came by earlier,” she says with a laugh.

I roll my eyes and grab my purse, quickly pushing her back into the elevator. “These guys are driving me crazy, I tell you. They won’t let me do anything; not my job or anything fun. They are even just giving me short and sweet kisses, like they are afraid that something is going to happen if I do the slightest thing. It’s driving me crazy. Do you have the day off? Can we go do something?” I ask as the elevator heads back down to the lobby.

“Yeah, I have the day off. Let’s go to lunch and then do something fun. No movies though because you look like you can‘t sit down any longer,” she says as we walk out and I use her to shield my face and head down the street to eat.

“You should talk to them,” she says during the walk.

I sigh and link my arm with hers. “I know, but I don’t want to be mean about it. I get it, I really do, but this can’t go on much longer.”

“Well, your best solution is to talk. The relationship can only work with communication and, with five of you in the relationship, I think that communication is key.”

“I’ll talk to them tonight. Let’s just enjoy the day.”

Lunch is pretty uneventful, and I ask Holly how she’s liking the bar.

“It’s great. I love the staff, and the money is pretty good,” she says, but a look comes over her face that has me unsure. I straighten in my seat and focus all of my attention on her.

“Oh Holly, what are you not telling me?” I ask.

She shakes her head with a small chuckle. “You know me too well.”

“Yes, I do. Now please tell me,” I say softly.

“I’m pretty sure I’m crazy about my bosses…” she trails off and looks at me with uncertainty.

“What’s so wrong about that? Oh, wait, isn’t that Dylan’s boyfriends?” I say curiously.

She nods her head slowly with a blush on her cheeks.

“Yeah, that would be them. Oh, fuck Kyla, how can I be hot for three guys?” she says with a groan, rubbing a hand over her face.

I chuckle at her dramatics. “You are seriously asking me that? The woman with four boyfriends?”

“Damn, you’re right. What’s it like? I bet the sex is hot as fuck, am I right?” she says, and puts her hand in the air for a high five.

I blush and lightly tap my hand with hers.

“Wait, Kyla… are you still holding onto that V-card, even though you’ve got four deliciously hot men who would no doubt ruin that pussy?” she asks, a little too loud for my liking. People in the restaurant stare at us and laugh.

“Holly, keep it down, would you?!” I hiss at her in a whisper.

Holly doesn’t seem phased at all; she laughs and grins in amusement.

“Well answer the question, or I will have to ask it louder,” she says with a mischievous look in her eyes.

“Yes, I still have it, okay? It’s not like I have had the opportunity because anything going beyond light kisses seems to be off limits since they found out about my heart,” I admit and look down at my plate with a sigh.

“Well, we will have to change that. We need to go shopping, and find something that will have them begging for some of that-“ she says before I interrupt.

“Don’t you dare say it,” I warn pointing a finger at her.