“This is wow, I don’t know,” Ethan says quietly.

I nod my head. “No kidding. I can’t believe she almost, that we might have never got a chance to meet her.” I grab the nearest object and throw it across the room, hearing the thump and smash of whatever it was breaking.

“Hey, hey, hey, relax. We did and she’s ours,” Grayson says wrapping his arms around from behind me.

I drop my head down with a sigh. “I know. It’s just all these ‘what ifs’ going through my head.”

“You have seen her. She’s fine now. I don’t think I’ve seen her look sick or act sick the whole time she’s worked for us,” he says, and I nod my head knowing he’s right.

“I need some time,” I say and push away from him to head into my office at the house.

I pull up everything I can find out about her heart condition, transplant, and anything that could happen. I don’t want to be taken by surprise by anything.

No one bothers me the rest of the night as I get lost in research. At some point, food and a few bottles of water are placed beside me though I couldn’t remember anyone coming in here.

I can’t love Kyla too. I already lost one woman; I don’t think I could handle it if I lost another one.


Levi takes off into his office. I already know that he’s going to find out anything and everything he can about Kyla and her condition. That’s the type of man he is. He hates surprises, or anything unexpected.

“I’m going to workout,” I mumble to Ethan as I head downstairs to our home gym. I spend the next few hours working out.

I’m dripping with sweat while thinking about this woman who has come into our lives and claimed our hearts. Bottles of water and a towel end up beside me, but I never saw anyone come in since I’m lost in my own head.

I know for a fact that I’m not the only one feeling this way. All of my men’s reactions show me that.

We all have our different ways of coping, but I see the way they look at her; like she’s the center of the universe and the reason we breathe.

How could one woman become so important to us in such a short amount of time?

Kyla has been something totally different for us. She just fits. I had felt like my broken heart from losing Bethany was never going to heal.

Somehow Kyla healed it.

I couldn’t imagine everything her family has gone through for her. I don’t know much about her parents, but they seem to be good parents who really love her.

When my thoughts drift to her parents, I wonder if we would ever get the chance to meet them and, if we did, would Kyla introduce us as her boyfriends or lovers? Or would she say that we are just her friends?

I would understand if she did. Not a lot of people would take this type of relationship seriously, but it works for us. I couldn’t imagine my life without these four people by my side.

Kyla may have just come into our lives, but I couldn’t imagine her not in it.

I’m definitely falling hard and fast for her.

I just hope we don’t lose her too.


As soon as Levi leaves for his office, Grayson leaves for the gym. I let out a sigh and lay back on the bed.

I have a feeling that Asher won’t be home for a few hours either. Each one of my men takes their own way to work out frustrations.

Levi buries himself in paperwork or, in this case, research. Grayson works himself hard in the gym until he has no choice but to sleep it off, regretting it the next day when he can barely move.

Asher usually goes for a walk, and sits at a nearby lookout spot and stares out into the city. Sometimes he’s not home until morning. I freaked out the first few times but, once I realised where he was each and every time, I remind myself that he needs his time alone.

Me, well I feel fucking alone right now. I wish to wrap my arms around one of them and hear that it’s going to be okay, but I can’t be selfish and tell them that.