Whatever they are cooking smells good despite the fact that I shouldn’t be hungry from all the food I ate today.

Levi and Ethan come walking in adjusting their clothes. Ethan has dishevelled hair while Levi adjusts himself. My eyes obviously follow his movements. I swear my jaw fucking drops at what I see.

There is no way he’s a small man because he sure is packing something.

“His eyes are up there, sweetheart,” I hear Grayson say through laughter.

I don’t take my eyes off Levi, but I decide to squint a little just to mess with them.

“Hmm…” I say in the most unimpressed tone I could imagine.

I slowly drag my eyes up to Levi’s face and try to look as bored as I possibly can. “Hmmm…” I repeat again before turning around to drink some water so they can’t see the look in my eyes.

Before I know what’s happening, I feel arms around me and a hard cock grinding onto my ass. I smell Levi’s scent as he growls in my ear. “You think you’re so funny, don’t you,” he says in a low, rough tone as he takes my ear and bites it enough to cause me to gasp.

“I’m hilarious,” I say breathlessly as he drags his mouth along my neck, his teeth grazing my skin.

“You should be a comedian,” he rasps as I feel his tongue at my neck.

I’m panting and holding onto his arms that he has wrapped around me as he nibbles along my neck.

When I expect him to take things further, his lips and body leave mine and I turn around to find him smirking at me.

“Well, that was just mean,” I say crossing my arms over my chest.

Levi smirks at me as he walks over to Asher and kisses him like he hasn’t seen him in weeks. When he’s done, Asher looks about the same as me. I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one this affected by Levi.

The man is pure sex.

“Well now that we are all hard and horny, we might as well eat,” Grayson says breaking the sexual tension in the room.

I can’t help but chuckle at his words and shake my head.

“You are so romantic,” I say placing a hand on my chest pretending to swoon over him.

“I know,” he says with a careless shrug.

“Well, what did you cook? I’m starving!” I say rubbing my hands together. Asher raises his eyebrows at me.

“How can you be starving after how much you ate today?” he asks shocked.

I put my hands on my hips.

“Are you saying I’m fat?”

Asher immediately shakes his head. “No, I wasn’t saying that at all. You’re fucking gorgeous. I honestly don’t know where you put it all.”

“In my ass,” I say dryly since I do have a big ass and I’m proud of it.

Ethan walks over to me and slaps my ass. “And what a fantastic ass it is.”

“Wow, one date and all of you seem to drop all manners,” I say with a laugh.

“I have manners,” Grayson says pretending to be shocked.

I roll my eyes. “Yes, now tell me what you’re cooking,” I say as my stomach lets out a loud growl.

“Well let’s get you fed before the beast comes out,” Grayson says grabbing a dish out of the oven.