We talk a bit more and, before I know it, our food is gone, we had our dessert, and I’m walking her back to my car.

I honestly don’t want this night to end.

I’ve gotten to know her in so many ways tonight and see that she is just as attracted to me as I am to her.

It makes me feel better because I know that she’s not just tolerating me for Asher, Ethan, and Grayson’s sake. That was something I was genuinely worried about.

I drive up to her place and put the car in park. Kyla undoes her seatbelt and looks at me nervously. “Thank you for tonight,” she says softly.

I nod my head. “I should be thanking you. I kind of sprung this on you,” I admit.

“It was great,” she says as her eyes drift down to my lips.

I tuck a hair behind her ear and place my hand on the back of her neck to tug her closer to me.

She comes without hesitation and our lips crash together.

She kisses me like she’s starving for it. I pull her as close to me as we can get as I get lost in the feel of her lips on mine.

I don’t know how long we kiss for but, by the time we pull back, we are both breathless.

Her lips are swollen, and a hazy look of lust is in her eyes. I kiss her softly before reluctantly moving back.

“Have a good night, baby,” I say softly.

“Good night, Levi,” she says with a small smile on her face.

Chapter Eleven


I wake up the next morning with a smile on my face. Last night had gone better than I would have ever expected. I did have my doubts that Levi really wanted me but, with those eyes and the possessive growl he gave Dylan at dinner, I was starting to be sure that Levi was in this just as much as the others were. The kisses couldn’t lie, could they?

I felt it and I know that he did too.

My phone goes off as I take a stretch.

Asher: Looks like it’s my turn. I have something planned for the day. Can you be ready in two hours?

Me: Yes, I can. Are you going to pick me up, or should I meet you?

Asher: I’ll be there in two hours.

I get ready, giddy for what Asher might have planned. They all planned something different so far. Though they have all come to get me, I haven’t let them walk me to my door or pick me up at the door. I know that my parents would freak and I’m not ready to explain it yet, at least not until these dates are over and I know where we all stand.

This has been a good idea even though the dates never end in anything more than kissing, which is disappointing because I find myself wanting more. I don’t know exactly how to get more though; maybe they are waiting for the dates to be done and we are all together? That seems to be the only explanation I can think of really.

I text Holly to tell her about the bartender opening and how they have been having trouble keeping staff. Even if I don’t know the reason, I know that Holly could handle anything. She wouldn’t let something like an asshole boss get in her way; even though I’m not sure if that’s the case. Dylan had never really said why they had people quitting, and I didn’t bother to ask Levi.

I text Asher once I’m out of the shower to ask what I need to wear. He tells me to dress causally. We will apparently be outside, so I need to wear something that I won’t get too warm in.

I apply my makeup lightly since I don’t want to be sweating it all off if I get hot. I decide to wear some jean shorts and a purple high neck shirt with no sleeves. It’s the coolest I can dress for the weather today, so I also grab a sweater to leave in Asher’s car just in case the weather takes a turn for the worse. You never know.

By the time I’m ready, I tell my parents that I’m heading out, and then wait on the front porch for Asher so That I don’t have to worry about answering questions I’m not ready to answer.

Asher pulls up minutes later. I run to his car, getting in and sighing at the cool air conditioner. Wow, it’s already hot outside.

“I sure hope that you have something planned both outside and inside because it’ll be too hot to spend the whole time outside today,” I say once I close the door.