I’m hanging up when Dom speaks. “And these strangers?”
“You know how to get rid of people who’ve outstayed their welcome. Organize a hunt. Call if you need me.”
Then, hanging up, I stalk toward the house, my mind on one person in it.
Sierra Bree.
Istep back into the kitchen, an airy space filled with loud conversation and laughter, and a long wooden dining table heaving with food. But the desire to sit or even eat no longer interests me. Not after what I just overheard.
A submissive’s only role in a pack is to take orders.
It was as if the universe wanted me to hear Galen say those words, because the second after I pushed the front door open so I could yell at him that there wouldn’t be any breakfast left if he didn’t hurry inside, those were what I heard.
There was no doubt who he was talking about. Me.
Whatever else he and Dom said, I had no intention of sticking around to hear it.
“Is he coming?” Talis asks from the dining table as she strokes Patrick’s back.
As usual, the quieter of the twins is gurgling happily. Beside her, Dayne cradles Angel, dressed in a pink bodysuit identical to Patrick’s blue, who I can only assume isn’t screaming or crying because she has a bottle in her mouth.
“He was still on the phone,” I say, forcing a smile because the last thing I want to let on is just how close I am to tears.
But when I feel more and more gazes turn toward me, I know I can’t sit here and pretend I’m okay. Not with Galen’s words ringing in my ear.
“You know what? I forgot something in the cabin.” I head for the back door.
I just need five minutes to pull myself together, because one look into my face and Galen would know something was up. He always does.
“Right now?” Eden half-rises, a frown creasing her brow. “Let me—”
I wave her off and move faster. “No thanks. Enjoy breakfast, and I’ll see you later.”
And then I slip out, pulling the sliding door closed behind me before I hurry down the back porch steps, telling myself I’m not running away.
Even though I am.
For two weeks now, I’ve avoided asking him anything about his pack, because I know what they’ll expect when they meet me. Someone like Jenna who they’ll treat like a fragile thing that could crumble and fall apart under the least bit of pressure.
They’ll talk down to me. That’s if they don’t talk over me.
After what I just overheard Galen say, I have even more to worry about than that.
A door creaks open somewhere behind me. There’s no doubt who it will be. Galen.
“Sierra!” Galen calls out.
At the edge of the clearing that leads into the forest, I pause for a split second.
He’s still far enough back that I have time to get to the cabin, maybe wash my face with cold water, summon one of my fake smiles, and pretend everything is okay. I just have to move a little faster. That’s all.