Page 46 of The Strongest Wolf

It doesn’t matter who. They won’t catch me. They won’t hurt me. I won’t let them.

I put on another burst of speed.

Crack.The cabin door gives way under the force of my collision. I stumble inside, nails skidding across the hardwood floors, chest heaving, panic making my eyes wide.

There’s only one place with a door I can hide behind, and I sprint toward it.

Behind me, someone yells something that sounds like my name. I don’t stop.

I dart through the cabin, slip behind the bathroom door and use my head as a battering ram to slam it shut.

A second later, someone pushes it open.

Whimpering, I throw my body against it to keep them out, mentally screaming at them to go the fuck away.

I should shift back. But if I did that, I’d have to stop shoving at the door to keep it closed, and they would get in. They would get to me.

I can’t let that happen. Not when I’m too weak to fight back.



Dom is mid-sentence when a sleek brown wolf darts past me.

What the…?

Angling my head, I stop listening to Dom as he continues to give me a rundown on the hunt he organized. It’s important, I know that. But my instincts are screaming at me that something else just became more so.

The wolf isn’t moving so fast that I can’t recognize the color of its fur or miss a sweet amber scent nearly masked by terror. “Sierra?”

It’s like I’m not speaking at all.

And then she’s gone.

I drop my cell and sprint after her. “Sierra!”

Footsteps follow—human and wolf—but right now the most important thing is finding out what the fuck just happened to have Sierra bathed in terror like that.

Just like in Dexter, I’m a few steps behind her as she shoves the door open. It breaks, though not like her cabin did, and then she’s scrambling inside as I follow, less than a foot away.

As I enter the cabin, the bathroom door slams shut.

I shove at it, but almost immediately it slams shut again.

Sierra is on the other side, forcing it closed. “Sierra! It’s Galen.”


I push at the door again. It slams shut just as hard.

Wolf claws and rapid footsteps make me jerk my head around. Eden, still in her wolf shape bursts into the cabin, closely followed by Luka. From Luka’s undone pants, he abandoned his shift to charge after Eden and Sierra. So he knows what the fuck had her running. And he knows who is going to die because of it.

“What the fuck happened?” I demand.

Luka takes one look at the bathroom door and must work out who is behind it. “Nathan jumped through the trees. We all felt her terror, and so did he, but before he could shift back to apologize for startling her, she was gone.”

I stare at him as fury burns its way up my throat.