“Definitely yes.”
My smile widens. “What else do we do on this journey?”
He eases back a little, just enough to peer into my face. “You get to know the rest of the pack, and give them a chance to… like you as much as I do.”
I swallow hard at the intensity in his eyes. “I’m sure they won’t.”
They won’t like me the way you do. I doubt anyone could.
He dips his head. “They will,” he murmurs, his lips hovering over mine.
But just before we can kiss, a furious vibration starts up near my right hand and I jump. “Shit.”
He flashes me a quick grin. “Sorry. Cell phone.”
After fishing it out, he glances at the screen and winces. “It’s Dom.”
I frown. “Again? I thought you said everything was okay.”
And it’s clearly not. It can’t be, with how frequently Dom is suddenly calling.
“Why don’t you wait with the others, and I’ll deal with this and catch up?”
Considering everyone was talking about the pack run, I’m not so certain I want to wait with the others if they’re going to expect me to shift. Without Galen, I’m not so sure I can go through with this.
“Sure.” I grin.
Galen’s brow creases, but before he can speak, Eden does.
“Sierra? You want to stick together?”
I glance over her shoulder as she steps into the forest. “Where’s Luka?”
“Oh, Hallee and Nathan are arguing again, so he was trying to pull them apart.”
Now that she mentions it, there’s the unmistakable sound of Hallee and Nathan bickering. If Gavin hadn’t admitted he was the one responsible for shoving Nathan in the lake, I’d have thought it was Hallee. “Don’t they ever stop?”
“Never. Not even for a day.” Eden sighs. “I’ll be upset when you leave, but I’m looking forward to moving back into the cabin. I miss the quiet.”
“Sierra?” Galen places a hand on the middle of my back.
I turn around. “Yeah?”
He kisses me. “I better take this call, but wait for me. I won’t be long.”
And even though his phone is still vibrating, he waits until I smile before he stalks away, answering the phone as he goes. “Dom, this better be urgent.”
“Come on.” Eden grabs my hand and tugs me. “Let’s go shift.”
After one last glance at Galen’s disappearing back, I turn away. “Uh, about that…”
“It’ll be fun. You looked out for me before, and now it’s my turn.”
My eyes narrow. “I don’t need looking after.”
She throws a grin over her shoulder. “I know. But it got you moving, didn’t it?”
A reluctant smile curves my lips as she leads us just far enough away that none of the pack could peek through the trees and spot us. “You’ve picked up bad habits, Eden.”