When I shift my focus to Eleanor, she’s smiling as if pleased. “Smart boy. I think I like you better than the other wolf.”
And to my surprise, she pulls her head out of my car and nods firmly before jumping back into her Mini and shooting off.
“Why did you thank her?” I ask. “And why did she call you a smart boy?”
“You told me about everyone in town, but you didn’t tell me much about her,” Bodie says as he watches her car disappear with a thoughtful expression on his face.
“That’s because no one knows much about her. We think she was an actress, but now she uses her magic to keep herself looking in her sixties.”
“And no one ever asks because she screams gossip in your face and is so obnoxious that if you see her coming, you run the other way?”
I nod. “Well, yes.”
“Hmm. Interesting.”
“Why is it interesting?”
“It just is.” He glances over at me. “I’m assuming we’re going to find out about the dead body?”
How did he know that?
“What do you think we’ll find?” he asks.
I sigh. “Something I hope we won’t. Not just for our sakes, but for Briar’s.”
Iglance over at Briar. “I don’t regret it.”
She turns to me. “Don’t regret what?”
Tugging at her hand until she’s closer, I peer deep into her eyes. “Kidnapping you.”
A slow blink. “Um, why?”
My gaze returns to the forest ahead. Our pace has been growing slower and slower since I realized there was no sound of pursuit behind us. Whatever the reason Liam decided to let us go—letmego—it isn’t because he has feelings for Briar.
“Because if I hadn’t, you’d have been caught up in that explosion.”
I feel her studying me, but she doesn’t speak for several seconds. “If I’d been there, Aunt Mel would still be alive.”
Her words are soft, but that doesn’t mean I don’t hear the pain in them. And the guilt.
I stop.
It takes two steps to back her against a tree and lower my head close to hers, my hands framing her face. “You would have died alongside her.”
She swallows. “You don’t know that.”
“Diana Calla was on a warpath.” I lean even closer and speak in a low growl. “You. Would. Have. Died.”
Her eyes search mine. “Why do you look so angry?”
“Because you’re not allowed to do that.”