Shit. He’s right. “Yeah, that does sound like overkill.”
I sit back as my excitement fades. Just when it seems like we’re moving a step closer, we hit a roadblock.
Bodie turns back to the house and reclines in his seat, arms folded across his chest, drawing my attention to his ropy muscles. I look away, my face hot, before he notices where I’m looking. “You’re sure it was Briar’s family who died first?”
“I think so. Why?”
“Just that it makes more sense if the Destins were the sacrifice.”
He angles his head toward me. “Why do you think?”
Studying his curious expression, I take a second to think it over. “No witch would care about sacrificing a wolf to a demon.” I frown. “But that would mean that Briar’s family was the real target of the demon. Why would someone send one after them? Because that is definitely overkill.”
His expression doesn’t change. “And yet your friend survived.”
“What are you saying?” I frown.
“What I’m saying is, how does a demon destroy a house, kill everyone inside, and yet a girl is found outside, a little crispy around the edges but alive?”
“Briar has a gift with fire, like an elemental. It’s not something she can control, but shecancall it. Sometimes.”
“So an elemental can survive a hit by a demon?”
I don’t have to think about it for a second. “No, because an elemental is still just a witch, and no witch can survive an attack by a demon.”
He doesn’t ask his question, but I hear it loud and clear.
Then what is your friend?
“We should call her again,” I say. Maybe she could tell ussomething.
“I’ve tried five times,” Bodie says, not reaching for the phone in his lap, “and there was no answer. Better we wait a little while, in case they’re sleeping.”
“Maybe,” I say, hoping that nothing has happened to them.
“Or maybe they’re otherwise engaged.” He waggles his eyebrow suggestively.
“For Goddess’ sake, they are—” A speeding car silences me, and I dart a glance in the rearview mirror before slumping into my seat. “Crap.”
“Why, who is…?” Bodie’s voice trails off, and then he turns in his seat. “Start the car.Now.”
I’m reaching for the key when a speeding Mini veers in front of my car, stopping at an angle that blocks us from going anywhere. “Shit.”
Forcing a smile on my face, I turn to my right to meet the grinning face of Bullhorn Ellie.
She throws her door wide open, apparently not the least bit concerned about it smashing into the side of mine. Somehow, she avoids doing that. How, I have no clue.
“Can’t you—” Bodie bites out.
“She’s right there,” I hiss through my forced smile. “We’re trapped.”
Ellie is dressed in an oversized leopard print fur coat that does nothing to hide her heaving breasts. I brace myself for whatever thing she’s about to scream in my face.
Well, you were tired, so maybe she’ll wake you up. Like a hit of caffeine through the veins.
She raps her knuckles so hard against my window, I’m in serious fear of it smashing. But with no other choice, I wind my window down.