As my anxiety creeps ever higher from the mounting fury that I’m reading in his eyes, I get to my feet. Since both of my strange powers seem to have abandoned me lately, standing feels like the only thing I can do.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
His gaze dips to take in my dress and his expression turns blank. “It means that he’s hoping we escape.”
I blink in surprise, mystified by his comment and his reaction to my dress. “And you think that why?”
He lifts his head and meets my eyes. “Because he believes the pack will rip you apart, and since you haven’t been able to shift, he believes the pack won’t accept you.”
My brow furrows. “Why would he want them to accept me?”
He stalks toward me, and I back up until my thighs hit the edge of the bed. “I’d think it would be obvious.”
I wait for more of an explanation, but when the only thing I get is an extended stare, I clear my throat. “You’re not making any sense.”
“That dream you had back in my cabin. Tell me about it.”
Completely unprepared for his order, I have no opportunity to stop the blush sweeping over my cheeks. I jerk my gaze away and stare at the wall. “It was just a dream. Anyway, that’s not important. We have to talk about—”
He steps into me, and I whip my gaze back to his. “I say it is. Tell me.”
I swallow hard. “I think I’d rather talk about something else.”
His eyes flash, and then his wolf is staring down at me. Since I know where this is going to go next, I sigh. “Please don’t shift your hands to claws and threaten me. I could really go without another shifter doing that.”
He stares down at me for several seconds without expression. “Tell me about the dream.”
I huff. “It’s not important. It was just a stupid dream.”
“About Liam.”
I think about the things that Keane was doing to me in my dream back in his cabin, and I know I can never tell him or anyone.Ever. “It’s not important. Last night, I think I had a vision.”
He doesn’t blink. “A vision?”
I nod. “Yes, I think it was your dad. Or the souls. Or something. But there was a big gray wolf with amber eyes. I think he was trying to communicate with me.”
He doesn’t look like he believes me. “What did this big gray wolf say?”
A little of my excitement fades. “Well, nothing. But I think—”
“Is the dream so embarrassing that you’ll lie to avoid talking about it?”
I move to walk around him because he’s standing altogether too close to me. “No, I just don’t want to talk about it, and now is hardly the time. We should be planning to escape, or talking about this vision, not… that.”
His hands circle my waist, halting me before I manage even a step. “So you admit there was something?”
I screech in frustration. “What is wrong with you? Nothing is going on between me and Liam. I thought it was important for me to communicate with the souls, or at least figure out what they want with me so I can get them to leave, but you don’t seem to care at all.”
“That isn’t what happened.”
How can he be so sure?
“And you know this how?”
“Because I—” He stops speaking so suddenly that I know he’s keeping something from me.
I stare up at him. “Because you what?”