Page 77 of Enspelled

Keane slams his mouth down on mine, swallowing the sound even as he growls, his hips pumping against mine in sharp jerky motions.

We press against each other, lips locked, arms and legs wound together as if we intend to stay like this forever.

Long minutes later, Keane releases my wrists and shifts to his side on the narrow bed, before tucking me against him with his arms around my waist.

“We should go,” I murmur against his chest.

His lips touch my brow, and his arms tighten. “Not yet. We have time.”

I smile as I burrow into him. “And you know this how?”

“Because,” he says against my hair, “if anyone even thinks of interrupting us, I’ll rip them apart.”


“Yes, oh. So rest.”

Swallowing a yawn, I close my eyes. “Five minutes. Wake me.”

I don’t hear his response, if he has one, because I’m drifting off to sleep a second later.

* * *

A heavy arm snug against my waist and lips against my brow remind me that what happened wasn’t a dream, but reality. I open my eyes and take in the dark shadows creeping across the floor.

“What happened to five minutes?” I ask, peeling my face from his chest so I can peer into his face.

He shrugs, not looking the least bit contrite. “You needed the sleep.”

“Didn’t you sleep?”

His gaze is thorough as he searches my face. “No.”

“How long was I out?” I ask, thinking it had to have been close to an hour for the cabin to be this dark.

“Two hours.”

I gape at him. “Twohours?”

He nods.

“So, what did you do to pass the time?”

“Held you,” he says, his voice soft.

“And weren’t you bored? I mean, two hours is—”


That’s kind of sweet. “You’re sure you weren’t bored?”

Dipping his head, he presses his lips against mine in a soft kiss that he doesn’t give me a chance to respond to before he’s pulling away. “I wasn’t bored.”

“So, what happens now?” I ask.

“I thought you’d be a virgin,” he says, surprising the hell out of me.

So much so that I just gape at him, even as a blush sears my skin. “Uh, well. It wasn’t…” My voice trails off.