I used to think the reason he came with us was because Shay was still worried that some of Aron’s men would return. But in the weeks that have passed since Aron kidnapped me, I’ve learned more about the Clayfells.

Every time Ewan glances at me, I've glimpsed the guilt stirring in his eyes that he wasn’t with us at the lake that day. His loyalty to Shay, and now me, means that he is never far away—no matter what Shay orders.

“Your mind is drifting,” Shay murmurs as, finished spinning me, he returns me gently to my feet.

“It was,” I admit, “but not to anything bad. Now, are you going to tell me where you’re taking me?”

His lips curve. “Don’t have to. We’re here.”

“Since the only thing around us is trees,” I raise an eyebrow, “we can’t be where—”

Before I can finish, Shay grips my hips and turns me so I’m facing south. After he’s done that, he tilts my head up.

“Another treehouse?” I breathe as I narrow my eyes so I can see it a bit better, nearly hidden amongst the trees.

“Yes. It’s where we’re spending tonight.”

I glance over my shoulder at him. “But it’s the middle of the day. You told everyone we had somewhere to be before it got dark.”

“Oh, that,” he says, an innocent expression stamped on his face.

“There’s something else?” I ask, because there has to be.

Shay is never this innocent unless he’s hiding a surprise from me. I should know, because when I wake up beside him in my bedroom, which is now ours, there’s been a constant stream of them—from flowers to small gifts to a new wardrobe.

“We’re in a forest. I think you’d notice if something was out of place,” he murmurs, again looking far too innocent.

I search the surrounding trees, but nothing draws my gaze. “There’s nothing here. Just trees.”

“Yes, just trees.”

My eyes return to his as I try to work out why he would bring me a short walk from the courtyard. Usually, when we have a few days together, he takes me further away. We seem to always end up by a stream or a lake, because Shay knows how much I love the water. “So it’s a tree, then?”

He doesn’t say a word, just releases my hips and takes a step back.

This time, I take more care when scanning my surroundings.

On my second search, my eyes stop on something that I don’t know how I missed.

In a daze, I drift toward a tall ash tree. “Shay?” I breathe.

I feel his approach as he trails me. “Lexa?”

My eyes fill with tears. “Why am I looking at an engraving of my pack?”

His hands return to my hips. “Because you are.”

I turn away from the faces that someone has lovingly, with incredible detail, engraved on the tree, and meet Shay’s eyes. For several seconds, I don’t speak.

But then I clear my throat. “How did you know what they looked like?”

Sorrow fills his eyes. “I left instructions with my men to bury your old pack while I brought you back to Wolfkeep. One of my men found pictures, which he gave to me. I’ve been waiting for the right time to give them to you.”

My hands grab for him. “You have pictures of my family?”

He nods. “My men collected everything they could and brought it all here. It’s in a room in the courtyard, so whenever you’re ready to see them, just tell me.”

When I think of confronting everything from my old life, it hurts. “I don’t know that I ever will be.”