My hands are gripping his hair too tight, and my moans are so loud that no matter how far Ewan and the others are, they have to hear me. If by some miracle they fail to hear my moans, when my climax tears through me, leaving me boneless and replete, they couldn’t miss my shrill scream.
When Shay’s lips brush across mine, I peel my eyelids open and gaze up at him for so long that amusement fills his eyes. “Baby? You look like you want to say something, but you can’t find the words.”
I clear my throat. “Is it always like that?”
Shay settles his weight over mine, and after taking my hands, he laces them with his. “You want me to do it again?”
“I think—” I moan when Shay tucks himself against me. His eyes flare with heat, but he doesn’t bury himself inside me yet.
“You think what?”
After releasing a breath, I try again. “I want to do the same for you.”
He doesn’t respond, and his expression is so blank that he’s impossible to read.
“I have had one job almost all my life,” he murmurs, his eyes sober. “Do you know what that is?”
“Be alpha?”
“Protect the pack, stop anything that threatens the stability of the pack, think of nothing else but the pack. I give everything of myself to them. That’s all I’m expected to do. Do you know how many times anyone has ever thought of giving back to me?”
I shake my head. “I don’t know.”
He lowers his head. “Just you.”
“You’re not just alpha,” I murmur. “You’re my mate, and just as deserving of pleasure and happiness as everyone else is—more, even—because all you do is give.”
“And there is it again,” he says, shaking his head as if in disbelief. “That ability you have to make me love you even more.”
“I hope it never goes away,” I murmur. “I hope you love me forever.”
“Baby, I will never stop,” he breathes against my lips.
I don’t wait for him to kiss me. His fingers tighten around mine as, with a low groan, he returns the kiss with an intensity I wasn’t expecting.
Long minutes later, Shay breaks the kiss and for several seconds does nothing but gaze into my eyes. I stare back as he stretches my arms over my head and shifts his body over mine.
He slips into me, one slow inch at a time.
It’s a battle to keep my eyes locked on his, because I don’t want to look away. I want him to see how much pleasure he gives me, and I want to see the same in his eyes. I lose the battle.
Moaning, my eyes flutter closed when he finally settles deep inside me.
He moves slowly, barely easing out of me at all. But each glide back inside draws another moan from me. If we did nothing else for the rest of my life, I would die happy.
“Baby?” Shay groans.
His mouth touches mine. “Let me see.”
My eyes open.
If I had ever been in any doubt about how Shay felt about me, the need and the love that bleeds from his eyes and into mine would silence those thoughts forever.