He edges out and plunges deep inside.
I stare, wide-eyed, my mouth falling open as a whirlwind of pleasure rips through me. And then I shatter.
His body strains deep inside me, but I barely feel it as I scream and writhe against him. Wanting more, but knowing I can’t take anymore. That it would kill me.
It goes on and on.
He holds me against him, his fingers gripping my hips as he jerks against me, filling me with heat. I fight for breath as I shudder beneath him, almost mindless with pleasure.
“It’s okay, baby,” he groans as his lips press against my brow, his hips still working against mine. “We’ll ride it together.”
And we do.
Long minutes later, I remember there’s a world outside, even if I have no desire to pull away from Shay or to leave the treehouse again.
When Shay rolls me to my side and pulls me tight against him, I press my face against the hollow of his throat and cling to him. His hand strokes up and down my back, as he rains soft kisses on my brow and my hair, lulling me into relaxation.
Between one breath and the next, the world fades.
Fingers skim my back. It feels so good that a smile stretches across my face and I sigh in pleasure.
“Good?” Shay murmurs.
I peel my eyes open and take in Shay lying on his back beside me. “Good.”
He’s wearing a smile as well. A wider one than I’ve ever seen on his face before. And it’s not just that, there’s a deep well of happiness I can practically feel shining out of his eyes.
He glows with it.
I thought he was beautiful. But like this? He’s like no one else I’ve ever seen before.
“You look happy,” I murmur, unable to believe this man is mine.
His eyebrows rise in disbelief. “I’ve just made love with the most beautiful woman in the world, a woman who is my mate. I’m the happiest man in the world.”
A flush heats my skin. Not just on my cheeks and face, I feel it sweep all over me.
Shay’s gaze explores my body. “You blush over every inch of that beautiful ivory skin,” he murmurs.
Of course, that only makes me blush harder, and his smile kicks up into a grin.
It’s still dark out and probably late enough that we should still be sleeping, and we probably will soon. But I’m not ready to let go of tonight yet.
My eyes move over Shay’s body as he lies on his side, his head braced on his bent elbow. When I reach a hand out toward him, he takes his hand from my back and grips it.
Our fingers lace. Although his hand is so much larger than mine, we fit together perfectly.
“Perfect fit,” he murmurs, echoing my thoughts.
I smile with my eyes still on our joined hands.
“We didn’t talk about what might happen after.”