It’s not a difficult climb, and in less than a minute, I reach the treehouse itself and push open a small wooden door.
I’d expected something similar to the cabin we left behind. But the room I step into isn’t cozy and rustic, but a wide-open and airy space with windows on all sides, a large silver tub set beside a fireplace, a spacious kitchen with wood counters, and a bed covered with actual sheets instead of fur.
The last of the daylight spills in through the open windows, enough for me to spot a door tucked in a corner that must lead to the bathroom.
For the longest time, the tree branches that weave in and out of the windows as if they’ve become part of the cabin, hold me transfixed.
As I wander the space, I try to absorb everything, but it’s so amazing that I can’t believe someone could build a house like this in the trees.
When Shay’s footsteps announce his arrival, he finds me with my head in the fireplace.
“Are there other cabins like this one?” I angle my head back further and lose my balance.
His hands close around my hips. “Not like this one. Careful.”
After I’ve backed out of the fireplace, I turn to face Shay. “Isn’t it dangerous to set a fire in the trees?”
“It’s safe. This cabin is Ewan’s passion project, and he’s spent more years than I can count on it. The iron grates keep the fire contained, so it’s just as safe having a fire here as it is on the ground.”
I want to wrap my arms around his shoulders.
“Oh, that’s clever.” To stop him from reading my growing need, I turn away. “There’s even a kitchen.”
I feel his eyes searching my face. “There is. You hungry?”
My gaze returns to his. “You cooked before. I could do it. I know how.”
“It’s my job to take care of you, so there’s no need. I’ll do it.”
“Is it?”
He kisses my brow. “It is. Why don’t you explore and I’ll make us some food?”
“And you’re sure I can’t—”
“Yes, I’m sure. Explore.”
Ahand burrows between my thighs. The fingers are confident and knowing.
But not just any hand.
Shay’s hand. I know because it’s always him.
Moaning, I open my thighs wider and his fingers dip inside me.
“Lexa?” His low growl makes the pleasure more intense than before.
This is the first time he’s spoken. Usually, he touches me until I’m panting but never says a word.
His fingers brush against the bundle of nerves that make me arch my back and moan louder. I want to ask for more, but like all the times before, I’ve never needed to say a word.
He just knows.
“Lexa?” His voice is husky with need.
“Hmm?” My release beckons even closer.