I step forward. My movement must draw Aron’s attention, because he turns to me and shows me his teeth. After that one glance, he turns back to Shay.

It was one look. One second. But it was more than enough. He’s going to be the one to kill Shay. The other wolves are just a distraction.

I could shift, and then—

Fight him?


He’s an alpha and you’re… just a small wolf that Shay mistook for a pup.

You would never win.

The wolf slinks closer, and Shay, so focused on the three wolves in front of him, never turns his back.

It doesn’t matter if I lose. I have to help.

I’m embracing my wolf so I can shift when Aron moves faster, his body low to the ground, his eyes laser-focused on Shay.

Oh, God.

I won’t have time to shift and get there in time. I can only do one thing: shift or run. So I run.

Halfway there, Shay turns to me, surprise filling his eyes. And that’s when Aron strikes.

I don’t think.

I can’t.

“Behind you, Shay!” I scream. “He’s behind you.”

An entire season has passed since I used my voice. It’s rusty and hoarse with disuse, but Shay hears me, and he spins around. So the bite meant for his neck closes around his shoulder instead.

Seconds later, they break apart, snarling as they stare each other down. I’ve never seen two alphas fighting each other, but what I’m about to witness is going to be brutal. I feel it in my bones.

Shay lunges at Aron. Instead of leaping toward him, Aron wheels around and speeds back the way he came.

My mouth falls open.

Aron isn’t the only one leaving. The other wolves melt into the forest, leaving two wolf bodies still bleeding on the ground.

It has to be a trick.

Shay must be thinking the same thing, because he doesn’t pursue them. But it’s no trick. Branches snap, and the scent of the wolves fade as they move further and further away until I can’t hear them anymore.


My eyes snap to Shay.

He’s shifted, and blood pours down his shoulder from Aron’s vicious bite. If he’s in pain, I see no sign of it on his face. Wonder makes his eyes wider than when he first found me lying under the bodies of my dead pack. “You can speak.”

I stare at him as the full impact of his words hit me.

I spoke, and no one died.

The strength leaves my body in a rush.

A second later, Shay is on his knees in front of me, his hands framing my face, and brows creased with concern. “Are you hurt?” he murmurs. “Where? Tell me where.”