Already I’m shaking my head no. “I would never laugh. Not at you.”

“And I wouldn’t laugh at you.”

Silence falls between us.

It’s only when I remember all the things he made me feel in my dreams that I finally look away. “Anyway, you could probably guess what my dreams were about.”

“Maybe,” he concedes. “But I think I would like you to tell me. If you want to.”

“Why do you want to know?” I ask, as my eyes focus on a tree growing in through a window. “It’s just a dream.”

“It made you feel good, and you know how I feel about that.”

I turn to him. “What?”

“That it’s the most important thing in the world. And if I can do that for you, I would. In real life instead of in a dream.”

My mouth goes dry, and I shake my head. “I don’t know—”

“Was it the same as the dreams back in the courtyard?”

After a pause, I nod.

“Tell me.”

His eyes will me to speak, and even though the embarrassment still lingers in my mind, I want to tell him. Some part of me wants him to know. “Sometimes I would wake with my hand…” My voice trails off and I can’t bring myself to finish my sentence.

“You would wake with your hand where?” But the flash of knowledge in Shay’s eyes tells me he knows exactly where I had my hand and why.

I lower my gaze to his chin because I can’t look him in the eye and say it. “Between my legs.”

His fingers grip my chin and angle my head up. “Because of the dreams?”

I nod.

“And what would happen in these dreams?” he murmurs, again with a knowing light in his eyes.

I swallow. “You would touch me.” Although I try to look away, his fingers tighten so I can’t.

“And is that all I do? Touch you between your legs?” his voice is so husky that I know he must be thinking about doing it.

I clamp my thighs together but it does nothing to ease the ache building inside me.


I shake my head no.

“What else do I do?”

“You put your mouth…” I run out of breath, or maybe I just can’t bring myself to say the words out loud.

But Shay knows. How could he not?

“Where would I put my mouth?” his voice is huskier than I’ve ever heard it before.

“Between my thighs,” I whisper.

“Just my mouth?”