Shay sent Ewan away hours ago, so it’s just us. Help is waiting back in the courtyard, so I have to go.
I have to be fast.
Wheeling around, I sprint for the trees. As I run, I reach for my wolf. I can’t shift on the move like an alpha can, but once I’m in the trees, I’ll stop and do it then.
Vicious growls erupt from behind me and I twist my head back, my hair blinding me until I shove it out of the way.
A large white-gray wolf flings himself at the six black and brown wolves, and they all go down in a mass of snarls, growls, and blood.
Is Shay hurt already?
My heart contracts and I slow, because I have to know.
Another growl, this one coming from a direction I wasn’t expecting, makes me jerk my head back around.
I skid to a stop.
He’s here. He found me.
Everything freezes. My heart, my brain, time, all of it just… stops.
The large black wolf with blue eyes takes a step toward me, and I know I would run through fire if it meant getting free of him.
Spinning around, I sprint in the opposite direction. I have to get away from the wolf with blue eyes. I have to get away.
I plunge deep into the forest.
The wolf’s pursuit is soundless, but that doesn’t mean I can’t feel him behind me.
Isit with my back flush against a tree and my arms wrapped around my shaking knees.
I barely breathe.
Shift, Lexa. Shift and you can run faster. You can escape.
But I don’t, because my fear holds me still. It won’t let me move.
I press my back harder against the tree.
Thump-thump. Thump-thump.
“I can hear your little heart, darling.”
Oh, God.
He’s going to find me.
Sweat dribbles down the side of my face. I smell the terror in it, and I know Aron must scent it, too.
I ran for so long that I stopped hearing Shay fighting with the other wolves miles back. He could be dead already.
My teeth chatter and tears fill my eyes.