I force a smile, because he’s giving me information I could’ve used before.
If I’d known Sierra had been buying Eden a bus ticket, I’d have approached things differently. Maybe. Who knows if that would’ve gotten Sierra to open up?
Doubt it.
“Then what happened?”
He gazes off into the distance, a frown creasing his brow as he concentrates. “She handed over some cash.”
“Where’d she get it from?”
He shrugs. “Beats me. But there was a lot of it. Maybe a few hundred.”
Sierra had to have stolen it. Someone with as few belongings as she has wouldn’t have that much cash lying around.
“And then?”
“She told your sister not to come back. To keep moving until she knew no one was following.”
I frown. “Who would’ve been following?”
Derek’s gaze returns to mine. “Probably someone from the cult they belonged to.”
I blink. “Thewhat?”
“The cult. In the cabins from outside town,” he says, speaking slowly.
If he wasn’t giving me so much valuable information, I’d punch him in the face for talking to me like I’m an idiot—but not now. Not when I’m finally getting answers about Eden.
“What makes you think it’s a cult?”
“Maybe because it’s only ever the men who come into town for supplies, rarely ever the women. That’s what they do in cults.” His eyes turn lusty. “Probably lots of orgies, too.”
Before he can take this conversation in a direction that I have no interest in it going, I steer things back on track. “Sierra came into town before?”
He nods. “I’ve seen her in the grocery store. That’s what the guy she was with called her.”
“The women never came alone?”
He shakes his head. “Never. So seeing your sister and Sierra like that—"
“Was unusual. Sierra told Eden to keep moving, and then what?”
“Your sister tried to get her to come with her. She said the others would find out about her and it wouldn’t be safe.”
About Sierra being submissive?
Why would Eden be trying to help her? And why is it sounding more and more like Eden and Sierra had been friends?
“But she refused?” I ask, knowing full well that the only place Sierra went was back to the pack.
Derek nods. “Yeah, said she had to stay and deal with the animals.”
I pause, not sure if I heard him right. “The animals?”
“I know, right? I was confused too. At first I thought they had farm animals up there, and the men put the women in charge of them. Like, when they weren’t having orgies.”
“Right,” I say, my voice dry. “Between the orgies.”